
Studies in the Society journals

Oral vitamin D3 raises prostate calcitriol levels (level 1 evidence) and modestly lowers both PSA and PTH, justifying continued clinical research. Dennis Wagner, Dominique Trudel, Theodorus Van der Kwast, Larisa Nonn, Angeline Antonio Giangreco, Doris Li, Andre Dias, Monique Cardoza, Sanda Laszlo, Karen Hersey, Laurence Klotz, Antonio Finelli, Neil Fleshner, and Reinhold Vieth. Randomized Clinical...

Studies in the Society journals

The following studies will be published in Endocrine Society journals. Before print, they are edited and posted online, in each journal’s Early Release section. You can access the journals via Theca cell–derived BMP4 and BMP7 down-regulate Cx43 expression and decrease GJIC activity in human granulosa cells. This biological effect is most likely mediated by...

Studies in the Society journals

20(OH)D3, and other CYP11A1- derived products, are promising therapeutic candidates for scleroderma. Slominski A, Janjetovic Z, Tuckey RC, et al. 20S-hydroxyvitamin D3, noncalcemic product of CYP11A1 action on vitamin D3, exhibits potent antifibrogenic activity in vivo. PEDF, acting in reciprocity to vascular endothelial growth factor function, may become a novel replacement therapy for OHSS. Chuderland...

Studies in the Society journals

The following studies will be published in Endocrine Society journals. Before print, they are edited and posted online, in each journal’s Early Release section. You can access the journals via Corticotropin-releasing hormone inhibits in vitro oocyte maturation in mice; modifying patient stress levels could optimize oocyte quality for in vitro fertilization techniques. Dinopoulou V,...


The following studies will be pub- lished in Endocrine Society journals. Before print, they are edited and posted online in each journal’s Early Release section. You can access the journals via GCGL and its receptor, GCGLR, have been identified in chickens and teleosts, indicating a non-identified role in non-mammalian vertebrates and clues to the...


The following studies will be published in Endocrine Society journals. Before print, they are edited and posted online in each journal’s Early Release section. You can access the journals via Pancreatic PYY is a VDR target gene, further linking vitamin D signaling and energy metabolism regulation. Choi M, Ozeki J, Hashizume M, Kato S,...


The following studies will be published in Endocrine Society journals. Before print, they are edited and posted online in each journal’s Early Release section. You can access the journals via In mice fed a low-fat diet, angiotensin II regulates adipocyte differentiation and morphology via the AT1aR; this finding could be useful in diseases associated...


The following studies will be published in Endocrine Society journals. Before print, they are edited and posted online in each journal’s Early Release section. You can access the journals via Males with familial hypertrophic cardiomyopathy should avoid phytoestrogens. Haines CD, Harvey PA, Luczak ED, et al. Estrogenic compounds are not always cardioprotective and can...