
2024 Researchers Roundtable

JNP w all 5 at podium Discussing endocrine science with the 2024 Early Investigator Award Winners Every year the Endocrine Society recognizes endocrinologists who are in the early stages of their research careers with the Early Investigator Awards. Endocrine News spoke to the five award recipients from around the world to find out more about their award-winning research, the award’s potential...

Sweet Homeostasis Alabama: Q&A with Tanya Pierre

Tanya Fourth-year graduate student Tanya Pierre at the University of Alabama at Birmingham’s Comprehensive Diabetes Center talks to Endocrine News about when she realized that she could “do science” as a career, how she hopes her research will help her community, and the importance of awards to help young researchers continue their work. For many young...

Pride Without Prejudice

A conversation with Bruno Ferraz-de-Souza, MD, PhD, and Stephen M. Rosenthal, MD As part of Endocrine News LGBTQ+ Pride Month coverage, we caught up with Bruno Ferraz-de-Souza, MD, PhD, and Stephen M. Rosenthal, MD, who had a lot to say about being openly gay in the world of endocrinology, both in the U.S. and abroad,...

An Enduring Dream of Science: Q&A with Vincent Prevot, PhD

When he was only 16, Vincent Prevot, PhD, became the youngest member of the French Society of Herpetology. Endocrine News finds out how a teen’s fascination with snakes gradually evolved into a passion for neuroendocrinology that resulted in being the recipient of the Endocrine Society’s 2024 Edwin B. Astwood Award for Outstanding Research in Basic...

Staying Curious: How Felix Beuschlein, MD, Has Advanced Adrenal Tumor Care Through Transatlantic Collaboration 

Beuschlein staircase Honored by both the Endocrine Society and the European Society of Endocrinology with the 2024 Transatlantic Alliance Award, Felix Beuschlein, MD, has made significant contributions to endocrine research on both sides of the Atlantic, from Michigan to Switzerland! Endocrine News speaks with Beuschlein about what this award means to him, conducting pioneering research on two...