Using social media in your laboratory can help you collaborate while simultaneously promoting your research to interested colleagues around the world. What started in the late 90s as a “social” way to connect with friends and family, social media has exploded into the habits of Americans’ everyday lives. Multiple social media platforms are relied on...
Early-Career Reviewers Are Key to the Success of Endocrinology
Researchers Find Evidence of Novel Pathway in Regulation of Body Weight, Temperature
Leptin receptor signaling in single-minded homolog gene (Sim1) neurons plays a role in the regulation of body weight and temperature, according to a mouse study recently published in Endocrinology. Researchers led by Masoud Ghamari-Langroudi, MD, PhD, of the Vanderbilt School of Medicine in Nashville, Tenn., point out that the obesity epidemic continues to grow, and...
Gender inequality persists in all sectors of society, including science and medicine disciplines. While female clinicians and researchers are increasing in number[1], they remain underrepresented in scholarly publications and academic positions[2]. Although nearly 50% of medical school graduates are women, they continue to hold fewer senior academic positions and tenured faculty posts than their male...
For the fourth year running, Endocrine News talks to editors from Endocrine Society publications to get the scoop on the top endocrine discoveries of 2018. Progress, as they say, is slow, an axiom perhaps nowhere truer than in the field of medicine. Achieving major breakthroughs can take decades of research and scientific effort. But when...
Adrenal Clock May Help Maintain Circadian Rhythms During Chronic Aberrant Light Exposure
A recent animal model shows that the adrenal clock may help stabilize the circadian glucocorticoid rhythm in response to chronic exposure to aberrant light cycles, according to a study recently published in Endocrinology. Researchers led by William C. Engeland, PhD, of the Department of Neuroscience at the University of Minnesota in Minneapolis, point out that...
Review Examines Genome-Wide Association Studies’ Effects on Understanding of Human Growth
A review recently published in The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism looks at how genome-wide association studies (GWASs) have impacted the medical community’s understanding of the underlying biology of human growth. The paper, by Michael H. Guo, of the Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard in Cambridge, Mass., et al., summarizes key findings of...