
Technology Rising: Big Data, Robots, and the Digital Health Era

EN_Dec2015-cover-small Medical technology is entering a brand new, super advanced era. To prepare these technologies — and themselves — for “real world” implementation, physicians and scientists need to be proactive. Healthcare technology has never been hotter. Collaborations among entrepreneurs, engineers, and providers have resulted in an explosion of innovative tools that are reshaping medicine as we know it....

Practice Interrupted

EN_Nov_PracticeResources1 From a burst water pipe to a cataclysmic disaster, being prepared for whatever nature’s wrath or man’s mistakes may bring is crucial to keeping your practice — and your patients — safe.  Disasters in the medical office run a gamut of exposures. From something as routine as a fire, to hurricanes, tornadoes, or flooding, these situations require...

Fatal Errors

fatal errors Estimates for medical error mortalities seem to get higher with each report that is released. A 1999 study by the Institute of Medicine claimed that 98,000 people die in the U.S. each year due to mistakes during medical care. About a decade later, the Office of Inspector General for Health and Human Services reported that 180,000 Medicare patients die from hospital mishaps per...

Parallel Protocols: Treating Diabetes and HIV/AIDS

parallel protocols As HIV-positive patients live longer, their risk for developing diabetes has increased along with their lifespans. Treating both of these conditions concurrently is challenging, but as with any other patient, lifestyle modification is a crucial component. Last year, Max Pemberton, a psychiatrist in the United Kingdom’s National Health Service and a regular columnist for a number of publications, wrote an op-ed in The Spectator titled “As a doctor, I’d rather have...

American Medical Association and MATTER Extend Partnership to Bring Physicians, Entrepreneurs Together to Create Transformational Healthcare Solutions

AMA Interaction Studio at MATTER opens to enhance collaboration, expand connections with entrepreneurs and physicians nationwide The American Medical Association (AMA) partnership with MATTER reached a new phase to enhance support for startup companies seeking to have a transformational impact on health and medicine. This milestone was marked as the newly installed AMA Interaction Studio...

A Love/Hate Relationship: Dealing with EHRs

Whether you view electronic health records as a lifesaver or a necessary evil, they are here to stay. While none have been deemed perfect, feedback shows they are gaining acceptance, begrudgingly or not. The vast majority of U.S. providers and hospitals have completed the arduous task of converting their health records to digital. According to...

A Dangerous Duet

DangerousDuet_shutterstock_281156480 Up to 40% of young girls with type 1 diabetes also have an eating disorder thus making them withhold insulin. It’s up to clinicians to know the proper ways to treat both conditions, not one or the other. When Asha Brown started withholding her insulin at 15, she was tired of being different, and she...


Transitioning_image Transgender issues have moved to the forefront of society’s collective consciousness in a way never before seen thanks to several high-profile trans celebrities. This newfound recognition has suddenly placed endocrinologists squarely on the front lines to treat and counsel this new emergent patient population. After decades of hiding in plain sight, former Olympic champion Bruce Jenner...

If you are looking for a resource to ensure your endocrinology practice is up to date with legal and medical news, want to ensure you are meeting your patients’ needs to the best of your ability, and wish to be aware of recent advances in endocrinology, then Endocrine News has the right tools for you. Our Practice page is dedicated to providing information that is helpful and insightful for those running an endocrinology practice. Here you will find a collection of articles that provide current, relevant and vital information to help with your decisions as you run your practice.

Stay Current with Recent Advances in Endocrinology

As new technology hits the medical world and new discoveries about the endocrine system are made, you need the right information to continue to provide your patients with skilled medical care. Here you will find updated news and information about advances in the field, consolidated into one convenient location to help you save time while staying current. Rather than monitoring several news sites and digging for pertinent information, you can simply visit one page and have it all at your fingertips — saving you time as you run a busy practice.

See Clinical Endocrinology News That’s Relevant to Your Practice

On Endocrine News, you will also find the clinical news specific to the field of endocrinology that will help you make the best possible decisions for your clinic and your patients. From recent discoveries to research studies, you will have access to the most accurate and recent information available in the field. All of the reports, results and studies you need to see are here for you to search.

Improve Your Practice with Industry-Specific Tips and Tricks

In addition to the technical and medical industry research and reports you will find here, Endocrine News has the resources you need to keep your practice profitable and effective. From legal advice and tips to time management and patient interaction recommendations, you’ll find advice, insight and more that will help you run an efficient clinic that keeps your patients’ needs at the forefront of all you do.