
2021 Progress Report: Part 2

december 2021 cover Endocrine research remains at the forefront of medical breakthroughs, which has led to cutting-edge treatment options, therapies, and products. Here is part 2 of Endocrine News’s closer look at some of the endocrine science innovations announced throughout 2021. Endocrine researchers and clinicians continued to remain at the forefront of medical research, the result of which...

2021 Progress Report: Part 1

december 2021 cover Endocrine research remains at the forefront of medical breakthroughs, which has led to cutting-edge treatment options, therapies, and products. From remarkable new treatments for acromegaly, thyroid eye disease, hypoglycemia, and diabetes to new devices aimed at glucose monitoring in adults and children, a mail-in semen analysis kit, and much more, Endocrine News takes a closer...

Postmenopausal Women May Benefit from Estrogen Compound Research

Postmenopausal women have increased risk of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease due to loss of estrogen from metabolic changes. A high-fat diet further exacerbates the disease, which can progress to cirrhosis and liver failure. Hormone replacement therapy (HRT) is an effective treatment, but it carries increased risk of breast cancer, uterine cancers, and cardiovascular disease. Researchers...

HIV-1 Establishes “Sanctuary Site” In the Testis by Disrupting Blood-Testis Barrier Function

HIV-1, the most common type of human immunodeficiency virus, invades the testis and is able to avoid combination antiretroviral (cART) drugs by permeating the blood-testis barrier (BTB) and perturbing BTB function, potentially through the Tat protein, according to a study recently published in Endocrinology. Researchers led by C. Yan Cheng, PhD, senior scientist at The...