
2016: A Progress Report

progress_shutterstock_226274737 Endocrine science has been at the forefront of research and treatment of a variety of endocrine disorders. The result is a wide array of therapies, products, and more that came to market in 2016, which Endocrine News has compiled here. This past year was the 100th year of the Endocrine Society and it was not...

FDA Grants Clearance for Digital Application for T2D Patients

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) today granted 510(k) clearance for a global digital solution that supports the effective management of type 2 adult diabetes patients treated with basal insulin. The application will be marketed as Insulia® by the company Voluntis, which specializes in therapeutic companion software to help patients self-manage chronic diseases. Insulia® Diabetes Management Companion...

Commentary: Geriatric Endocrinology: An Important Competency for Endocrinologists in an Aging Society

As the population ages, endocrinologists will be faced increasingly with older patients with endocrine disorders who may present difficult clinical challenges. Fortunately, the Endocrine Society is poised to improve the “geriatric competency” of endocrine practitioners, researchers, and trainees. According to a 2015 United Nations World Population Ageing Report, the number and proportion of older persons...

Positive Results in Phase 2b Study of Metformin Delayed Release in Type 2 Diabetes

Positive results were reported last week in a Phase 2b dose-ranging study, which met the primary endpoint of showing a statistically significant reduction in HbA1c at 16 weeks with delayed-release metformin compared with placebo in subjects with type 2 diabetes. Elcelyx Therapeutics is marketing this drug as Metformin DR, an investigational product designed to target metformin delivery to...

New Clinical Practice Guideline Published on Diabetes Technologies

On September 26, the Endocrine Society issued a Clinical Practice Guideline recommending continuous glucose monitors (CGMs) as the gold standard of care for adults with Type 1 diabetes. The guideline, titled “Diabetes Technology—Continuous Subcutaneous Insulin Infusion Therapy and Continuous Glucose Monitoring in Adults: An Endocrine Society Clinical Practice Guideline,” was published online and will appear...

CMS: 49 States (+ DC) Reduced Avoidable Hospital Readmissions

According to a new study from the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), 49 states and the District of Columbia have seen avoidable hospital readmissions decline since 2010. Hospital readmissions typically occur within 30 days of a patient’s discharge and have been estimated to cost $17 billion annually in Medicare expenditures. Aside from the...

If you are looking for a resource to ensure your endocrinology practice is up to date with legal and medical news, want to ensure you are meeting your patients’ needs to the best of your ability, and wish to be aware of recent advances in endocrinology, then Endocrine News has the right tools for you. Our Practice page is dedicated to providing information that is helpful and insightful for those running an endocrinology practice. Here you will find a collection of articles that provide current, relevant and vital information to help with your decisions as you run your practice.

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As new technology hits the medical world and new discoveries about the endocrine system are made, you need the right information to continue to provide your patients with skilled medical care. Here you will find updated news and information about advances in the field, consolidated into one convenient location to help you save time while staying current. Rather than monitoring several news sites and digging for pertinent information, you can simply visit one page and have it all at your fingertips — saving you time as you run a busy practice.

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On Endocrine News, you will also find the clinical news specific to the field of endocrinology that will help you make the best possible decisions for your clinic and your patients. From recent discoveries to research studies, you will have access to the most accurate and recent information available in the field. All of the reports, results and studies you need to see are here for you to search.

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In addition to the technical and medical industry research and reports you will find here, Endocrine News has the resources you need to keep your practice profitable and effective. From legal advice and tips to time management and patient interaction recommendations, you’ll find advice, insight and more that will help you run an efficient clinic that keeps your patients’ needs at the forefront of all you do.