
High Time: Addressing Research Gaps in Opioid-Associated Endocrine Conditions

Endocrine News speaks with Niki Karavitaki, MSc, PhD, FRCP, of the University of Birmingham, Birmingham Health Partners, and the University Hospitals Birmingham National Health Service Foundation Trust in Birmingham, U.K., chair of the Endocrine Society’s recent Scientific Statement on opioids’ impact on the endocrine system. She discusses gaps in research, as well as why healthcare...

UK Joins Horizon Europe Under New Bespoke Deal

United Kingdom scientists will have access to the world’s largest research collaboration program, Horizon Europe, as the Prime Minister secures a bespoke deal with improved financial terms for the UK’s participation. UK researchers can now apply for grants and bid to take part in projects under the Horizon program, with certainty that the UK will...

Hammer Wins Inaugural Endocrine Images Art Competition

Hammer_2020 Gary Hammer, MD, PhD, Millie Schembechler professor of Adrenal Cancer at the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor, Mich., won the Endocrine Society’s Endocrine Images Art Competition, a contest celebrating the beauty of endocrine science. Entries were judged based on aesthetic value and significance to endocrine research. Hammer’s image of the adrenal gland took the top...

The Time Is Always Now: The Endocrine Society’s Call to Eliminate Racism in Endocrinology

march 2022 cover With the publication of “Eradicating Racism in Endocrinology: An Endocrine Society Policy Perspective” in the January issue of The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism, the Endocrine Society formally calls for policies to address racial and ethnic inequities in the endocrine workforce and in access to care. James Baldwin began his 1956 essay “Faulkner and...

In Memoriam: Arnold M. Moses, 1928-2021

Moses_Arnold2007 Arnold M. Moses, MD, Emeritus Professor of Medicine at the State University of New York (SUNY) Upstate Medical University in Syracuse, NY, passed away on August 4, 2021. He grew up in Newburgh, New York and after high school, at the age of 17 he enlisted in the US Army. Following World War II, he...

Endocrine Society’s In-Training Exam Predicts Fellows’ Success on ABIM Board Exam 

Endocrinology fellows and their program directors can use performance on the Endocrine Society’s in-training self-assessment tool to gauge how likely fellows are to pass the American Board of Internal Medicine-Endocrinology, Diabetes, and Metabolism Certification Examination (ABIM-ECE), according to a new study published in the Journal of the Endocrine Society.   The study found clinical endocrinology fellows’...