After initially launching in 2022 and growing into a thriving community in 2023, the Endocrine Society’s online community in DocMatter is ready to step out into the spotlight with a brand-new name: EndoForum! Why change the name? EndoForum is more than just the platform it’s on; it is a vibrant and active community of more than 16,000 Endocrine Society...
Year after year, I am continually impressed with the quality and quantity of research that is published in the Society’s suite of scientific journals. As the former co-editor-in-chief, with Andrea Gore, of the Society’s basic science flagship journal Endocrinology, and editor-in-chief of the Society’s other previous basic science journal, Molecular Endocrinology, I was privileged to...
Kemal Agbaht, MD, is a clinician at Iskenderun Gelisim Hospital in Hatay, Turkey, where he treats a wide spectrum of endocrine disorders. He’s on the editorial board of The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism; he’s a husband and father. But when an earthquake literally rocks your world, your priorities must shift with the tectonic...
A common concern about gender-affirming hormone therapy for transmasculine people is the risk of red blood cell volume changes and erythrocytosis with the use of prescribed testosterone. However, Mount Sinai researchers have found that testosterone treatment may be safer than previously reported, with results published recently in The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism. Mount...
Federal Funding for SDP, NIH in Jeopardy As the February issue of Endocrine News went to press, the government had only days to fund the Special Diabetes Program (SDP) and the National Institutes of Health (NIH) before funding expired. It was expected that Congress would pass another short-term funding bill that would fund these programs...
Teprotumumab significantly improved proptosis versus placebo in longstanding/low inflammation thyroid eye disease (TED) according to data from the first placebo-controlled trial of the drug that was recently published in The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism. (Horizon Therapeutics funded the trial and is marketing the drug as TEPEZZA.) Researchers led by Raymond S. Douglas, MD,...
As we start the year, we are devoting the lion’s share of the editorial pages this month to thyroid cancer. From its diagnosis and treatment to detailed studies about hypoparathyroidism, risk stratification for thyroid nodules, and more. With thyroid cancer being the most common endocrine cancer in the world, we thought it would be appropriate...
Middle-aged women who are exposed to toxic metals may have fewer eggs in their ovaries as they approach menopause, according to new research published in The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism. Diminished ovarian reserve is when women have fewer eggs compared to others their age. The condition may be linked to health problems such as...