
Yoga Benefits Patients with Metabolic Syndrome

One year of yoga training decreased pro-inflammatory adipokines and increased an anti-inflammatory adipokine in adults with metabolic syndrome and high-normal blood pressure, according to a study recently published in the Scandinavian Journal of Medicine & Science in Sports. Researchers led by Parco Siu, of the University of Hong Kong, point out that lifestyle modification is...

Mixture of Exposure to EDCs and High-Fat Diet Affects Social Behaviors, Animal Study Finds

A rat model of human prenatal exposure to an environmentally relevant mixture of phthalates – endocrine-disrupting chemicals – and a high-fat diet (HFD) shows that said mixture can impact social behavior, according to a study recently published in Endocrinology. Researchers led by Janice M. Juraska, PhD, of the University of Illinois in Champaign, point out...

Common Birth Control Shot Linked to Risk of HIV Infection

Transitioning away from a popular contraceptive shot known as DMPA could help protect women in Sub-Saharan Africa and other high-risk regions from becoming infected with HIV, according to a research review published in Endocrine Reviews. The predominant contraceptive in Sub-Saharan Africa is depot-medroxyprogesterone acetate (DMPA)—a birth control shot administered every three months. Human studies suggest...