
Hire Power: Zooming in on Potential Staff

Just because we’re all connected via teleconferencing software these days doesn’t mean you have to put off hiring for your lab. Here are a few tips for how to effectively recruit star performers in a virtual world. Just how the COVID-19 pandemic has changed everything about how we interact with each other this year, so...

EndoGear: The Latest in Laboratory Chillers

Endocrine News takes a look at some of the latest chillers that will cool your samples as well as your lab’s operating costs. An essential tool in the research laboratory, chillers serve as a reliable cooling circuit necessary for the applications of most labs. Environmental factors such as temperature can skew research results if there...

Bare Benches: Research During the COVID-19 Outbreak

As the COVID-19 virus has spread around the world, more and more people are told to work from home. That includes scientists, researchers, lab techs, PhD students, and others who have had to leave the bench behind. Endocrine News reached out to researchers and basic scientists to see how life in their labs has changed,...

The Challenges of Lab Relocation

If you thought moving your home was stressful, wait until you have to move your lab! We share some tips from someone who has been there, moved that! Moving companies may be the only ones who like moving. The packing, unpacking, and setting up in a new place can give anyone months-long anxiety. When the...

Trust but Verify: The Impact of Erroneous ACTH Assays

An ACTH assay’s accuracy became so concerning that it warranted a paper in the Journal of the Endocrine Society that detailed five separate cases. Raising awareness of this rare but serious issue can avoid misdiagnoses that put patients in peril.  This past April, an article appeared in the Journal of the Endocrine Society titled, “Assay-Specific...