
Lab Notes: Q&A — A Legacy of Mentorship

Habener Joel Joel F. Habener, MD, the Endocrine Society’s 2018 Outstanding Mentor Laureate Award recipient, explains why it’s never too early to have a mentor and why — into his 80s — he still values his own mentor! When the Endocrine Society honored Joel Habener, MA, MD, with the 2018 Laureate “Outstanding Mentor” Award, many heads were...

Mind the Gap: Health Services Research

Vimalananda Frustrated by the gaps she saw between theoretical and actual patient outcomes, Varsha Vimalananda, MD, MPH, decided to pursue a career in health services research, which looks at quality, access, and costs of healthcare, and may even help endocrinologists lead the way for measuring and improving how endocrine care is delivered. During her clinical training,...

Deep in the Heart of Texas

SisleyHeadshot Pediatric endocrinologist Stephanie Sisley, MD, at the Texas Children’s Hospital in Houston talks to Endocrine News about her research looking at genetic causes of obesity in children and why diet and exercise are simply not enough for these patients.   For children and adolescents between the ages of 2 and 19 years, the prevalence of obesity...

After Shocks: Complications after Acromegaly

Dr Castinetti A French study published in the Journal of the Endocrine Society reveals myriad complications that many acromegaly patients face after they’ve been successfully treated. Lead researcher Frederic Castinetti, MD, PhD, discusses his research and why follow-up may still be required once a patient is “cured.” Last December, a paper appeared in the Journal of the Endocrine Society...

Crossing Borders: The Impact of the Travel Ban

Al_Nofal_Alaa_MUG_RGB [UPDATE: Since this story went to print, the Trump administration has issued a new travel ban that places restrictions on immigrants from Chad, Iran, Libya, North Korea, Somalia, Syria, Venezuela, and Yemen. Therefore, the Supreme Court postponed oral arguments in the travel ban case that were scheduled for October.] While the ACA repeal effort is ongoing...

Hormone Scientists Head for the Mountains

Lange, Carol 2016 Hormone researchers from around the world will be descending on Snowmass Village, Colo., in June for the FASEB Science Research Conference focused on steroid hormone receptors. Conference co-organizer Carol Lange, PhD, tells us why endocrine scientists dedicated to this field should attend. The Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology (FASEB) is hosting its Science...