
New Study Makes Case for Culturing Embryos Up to Seven Days Post-Insemination for Selected Patients

Ending embryo culture at 144 hours (six days) post-insemination (h.p.i.) would involve 7.3 percent and 4.4 percent relative reductions in the number of patients obtaining euploid blastocysts and live birth(s) (LBs), respectively, according to a study published in Human Reproduction. The study results were announced recently by Fairtility, a company using artificial intelligence to enhance in...

Beige Fat Benefits: Q&A with Shingo Kajimura, PhD

Kajimura_Laureate2022 Endocrine News talks to Shingo Kajimura, PhD, the Endocrine Society’s 2022 Richard E. Weitzman Outstanding Early Career Investigator Laureate Award, about his research of brown and beige fat, challenges his lab faced during the pandemic, and why early-career researchers should just make sure the “science works out.”   With his significant contributions to changing how...

Brainstorming: Q&A with Michael W. Schwartz, MD

Schwartz_Headshot-cropped Endocrine News talks to Michael W. Schwartz, MD, the 2022 Laureate recipient of the Roy O. Greep Award for Outstanding Research about his life and career in academic research that all started with a fascination with how the brain controls behavior. With his significant contributions in uncovering how our brain regulates energy balance and glucose...

More Questions Than Answers: Q&A with Terry J. Smith, MD

Smith_Laureate2022 Endocrine News talks to Terry J. Smith, MD, the 2022 Gerald D. Aurbach Laureate for Outstanding Translational Research, who discusses his career focusing on Graves disease, the pharmaceutical he helped develop, and what advice he has for young researchers. Early in medical school, Terry J. Smith, MD, had more questions about thyroid disease than his...

Is It Time for a New Approach to Treating Cushing’s Syndrome?

Photo by Erica J Mitchell David A. Katz, PhD, CSO of Sparrow Pharmaceuticals, launched the company to specifically target the therapies bigger companies were ignoring. He talks to Endocrine News about these new therapies and how they could possibly change the way people with Cushing’s syndrome, autonomous cortisol syndrome, and other disorders are treated. For many endocrine researchers, their career...

Head of the Class: Q&A with Ashley Herdman

Herdman_Headshot Endocrine News spotlights the Endocrine Society’s Research Experiences for Graduate and Medical Students summer program by chatting with Ashley Herdman, a 2021 awardee about her experiences in the program, her research projects, and the importance of forging new professional relationships. For medical and graduate students with a keen career interest in endocrine research, the Endocrine...

For the Love of Hormones: Q&A with Ricardo Correa, MD, EdD

Ricardo An impassioned and vocal member of the Endocrine Society, Ricardo Correa, MD, EdD, talks to Endocrine News about his research, outreach to potential Latinx endocrine scientists, the importance of addressing health disparities, and how a trip to the endocrinologist when he was a teenager changed his entire life! As we celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month from...