
First Contact: First Time ENDO 2022 Attendees Share Their Experiences

EN_092022_cover Endocrine News chats with a group of members whose trip to Atlanta had quite an impact on them as they experienced their very first ENDO. Find out what their takeaways were from ENDO 2022, what surprised them the most, their favorite sessions, and why they would recommend it to colleagues. For so many attendees in...

Member Spotlight: Cynthia Andoniadou, PhD

Dashboard_Cynthia Andoniadou Cynthia Andoniadou is a Reader in Stem Cell Biology at the Centre for Craniofacial & Regenerative Biology at King’s College London. She was born in Greece and carried out her studies in London at Queen Mary, University of London and the MRC National Institute for Medical Research, and her postdoctoral research at the UCL Institute...

Member Spotlight: Mohammed Al-Sofiani, MD, MSc

MemberSpotlightAug2022 Mohammed Al-Sofiani, MD, MSc, is an assistant professor of endocrinology, diabetes, and metabolism at King Saud University (KSU), Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, and is an adjunct assistant professor at Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore, Md. He serves as the vice president of the Saudi Society of Endocrinology and Metabolism and the chief scientific officer (CSO) of...

Learning Curve: Getting Schooled by Award-Winning Endocrine Educators

EN_072022_USCOVER Endocrine News reached out to a few of the Endocrine Society’s Outstanding Educator Laureates to share insights into the state of endocrine education. Ann Danoff, MD; Kenneth Burman, MD; Laurence Katznelson, MD; and Carolyn Becker, MD, discuss the past, present, and future of educating endocrinologists, the best advice they’ve ever received, and how they motivate...

David Harlan, MD, Named Director, JDRF Center of Excellence, New England 

david-harlan-500x500 Endocrine Society member David M. Harlan, MD, the William and Doris Krupp Professor of Medicine, professor of medicine and co-director of the Diabetes Center of Excellence, has been named the new director of the JDRF Center of Excellence in New England. “For many years, JDRF has supported the collaborative work of Dr. Harlan and his...

Endocrine Society Announces 2022 Early Investigator Award Winners

The Endocrine Society has selected five recipients for its Early Investigators Awards. The Early Investigators Awards were established to assist in the development of early-career investigators and to recognize their accomplishments in endocrine-related research. The Endocrine Society’s 2022 Early Investigators Award winners are:  Omar Bello-Chavolla, MD, PhD, Instituto Nacional de Geriatría, Mexico City, Mexico –Bello-Chavolla...