
Members in the News: Society Members Shine at ATA Conference

Four Endocrine Society members received prestigious awards from the American Thyroid Association (ATA) during its 86th Annual Meeting September 21 – 25 in Denver, Colo. Those being honored were Nancy Carrasco, MD, who received the 2016 Sidney H. Ingbar Distinguished Lectureship Award; Gregory A. Brent, MD, who received the 2016 Distinguished Service Award; P. Reed...

Endocrine Society in the News: PBS News Hour, Prevention, Parade…

PBS News Hour – Puberty blockers may improve the mental health of transgender adolescents Society member Stephen Rosenthal, MD, discussed endocrine treatment for adolescents with gender dysphoria. The Society provided resources for the Kaiser Health News coverage, which appeared in outlets including The Sacramento Bee, the Daily Beast, and The Palm Beach Post. Times of...

Members in the News: Emily L. Germain-Lee

Pediatric endocrinologist, Emily L. Germain-Lee, MD, has been recruited to University of Connecticut’s (UConn) School of Medicine and Connecticut Children’s Medical Center from Johns Hopkins School of Medicine and the Kennedy Krieger Institute in Baltimore, Md. On Oct. 28 she will join UConn Health as a professor in the Department of Pediatrics and chief of...

Meet the 2017 Endocrine Society Laureate Award Winners

The Endocrine Society today announced it has selected 14 leaders in the endocrinology field as winners of the organization’s prestigious 2017 Laureate Awards. These professionals are responsible for research breakthroughs that lead to the cures of tomorrow and for providing the gold standard of care for patients with hundreds of conditions and diseases such as...

Members in the News: Lorincz & Harris Selected for CMS Committee

The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) has selected Endocrine Society members Ronald Harris, MD, from Geisinger Health System and Ilona Lorincz, MD, from University of Pennsylvania Hospital to provide an endocrine perspective as they develop care episode and patient condition groups for use in the Merit-based Incentive Payment System (MIPS). These groupings will...

Members in the News: Burnett-Bowie Promoted at Harvard Medical School

burnett-bowie_headshot_2013 Sherri-Ann M. Burnett-Bowie, MD, MPH, has been named faculty assistant dean for student affairs in the Office of Recruitment and Multicultural Affairs at Harvard Medical School. Burnett-Bowie is also the inaugural chair of the Society’s Committee on Diversity and Inclusion (formerly Minority Affairs Committee) and will lead the Society’s expanded diversity and inclusion efforts, which...

Members in the News: Saleh Adi, MD

Endocrine Society member Saleh Adi, MD, a pediatric endocrinologist and diabetes specialist, is spearheading the new pediatric diabetes support services by Marin General Hospital at the Braden Diabetes Center in partnership with the Madison Clinic for Pediatric Diabetes at UCSF. Before Marin General Hospital’s Braden Diabetes Center collaborated with UCSF Health to offer pediatric diabetes services...

Endocrine Society in the News: Le Monde, NYT, NBC, and more…

Le Monde – Endocrine Disrupters: Outcry Against Brussels Society member Andreas Kortenkamp, PhD, shared his reaction to the European Commission’s proposed regulation of endocrine-disrupting chemicals in the French newspaper’s front page story. The newspaper also quoted the Society’s statement expressing concern that the narrow definition would result in too few chemicals being regulated. New York...