
Researchers Find Slightly Elevated Cancer Incidence in Patients with Acromegaly

Cancer incidence rates are slightly elevated in patients with acromegaly, according to a meta-analysis recently published in The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism. Researchers led by Jens Otto Lunde Jørgensen, MD, DMSc, of the Department of Endocrinology and Internal Medicine at Aarhus University Hospital in Norrebrogade, Denmark point out that acromegaly has been associated...

Male Thyroid Cancer Survivors Face 50 Percent Higher Risk of Heart Disease than Women

Obesity also raises cardiovascular risk among thyroid cancer survivors Male thyroid cancer survivors have a nearly 50 percent higher risk of developing heart disease than women within five years of cancer diagnosis, according to a new study published in The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism. Thyroid cancer occurs when cancerous tumors or nodules grow...

Moving Targets: Immunotherapy & Endocrinopathies

EN0418_cover Immune checkpoint inhibitors unleash the immune system on cancer to great effect and increasing survival rates. However, but switched-on immune cells set their sights on other targets, many times the endocrine system. Immunotherapy has boosted survival rates for some of the most recalcitrant forms of cancer with an approach that is revolutionizing the field. But...

Clinical Features and Outcomes in Children with Adrenocortical Tumors without Germline TP53 Mutations Described

Researchers have described clinical features and outcomes in children with adrenocortical tumors (ACTs) without germline TP53 mutations, according to a study recently published in the Journal of Clinical Oncology. Emilia Modolo Pinto, PhD, Raul C. Ribeiro, MD, and colleagues of St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital in Memphis, Tenn., point out that ACTs are cancers caused...

Researchers Report on How Obesity Promotes Breast Cancer

RiosGarciaHMGU_Spheroid Obesity leads to the release of cytokines into the bloodstream which impact the metabolism of breast cancer cells, making them more aggressive as a result. Scientists from Helmholtz Zentrum München, Technische Universität München (TUM), and Heidelberg University Hospital report on this in Cell Metabolism. The team has already been able to halt this mechanism with...

Addressing Controversies in Managing Low-Risk Differentiated Thyroid Cancer

A paper recently published in Endocrine Reviews is addressing the controversies that exist in managing low-risk differentiated thyroid cancer (DTC), since these controversies expose patients to the risk of being over- or undertreated. The review, by Megan R. Haymart, MD, of the University of Michigan, et al, points out that the controversies extend across all...

Neoplasia and Cancer Resources

Neoplasia, including both cancers and benign conditions, requires prompt and accurate diagnosis — and treatment — to preserve life and comfort. In the field of endocrinology, neoplasia is a serious concern.

Endocrine neoplasia, whether or not it is cancerous, can throw the entire endocrine system out of balance. So doctors and patients alike need a source for up-to-date information about neoplasia in the endocrine field. Endocrine News has collected all of the articles and information you need about neoplasia, cancer and the endocrine system, and showcased them in one convenient location where both doctors and patients can get the information they need to make informed treatment decisions.

Updated Information About New Treatments and Therapies

On the Neoplasia and Cancer page, you will find articles highlighting promising new therapies and treatments, including pertinent research studies that highlight the effectiveness of these up-and-coming therapies. By staying current with these insights and changes in the field, doctors will be able to offer their patients the best possible solutions for their conditions, and patients will be able to research the top treatment options on their own.

Case Studies in the Neoplasia and Cancer Field

An important part of the resources found on this page is the case studies. By reading real-life case studies relating to cancer and other neoplasia conditions, you will be able to understand the impact of these diseases and their potential treatments on real patients. Case studies also help patients and doctors see what cancer and neoplasia symptoms look like in daily life.

Health Warnings and Advice

The resources on this page provide pertinent health warnings and advice to help patients avoid cancer and tumor risks. By staying informed, both doctors and their patients can help encourage healthier habits to limit the risk of developing neoplasia symptoms and cancer. These warnings and advice articles are specific to endocrine neoplasia conditions.