
Will Medicare Pay for Diabetes Prevention?

According to an article in today’s Washington Post, a pilot program aimed at preventing people from developing diabetes would save money if expanded and soon could be covered by Medicare, the Obama administration said Wednesday. It is the first time an experimental prevention initiative has met the financial test to become part of the huge...

Could a Patch Monitor Diabetes?

According to an article in Health Day News, an experimental device created by Korean researchers might one day literally take the pain out of managing diabetes. A patch — not unlike those to aid in smoking cessation or motion sickness — could be used to monitor blood sugar levels via sweat, and delivers the diabetes...

Medicare’s Competitive Bidding Program Puts Beneficiaries’ Lives at Risk

Peer-reviewed journal article shows how disruption in access to diabetes testing supplies led to increased mortality and hospitalizations, higher costs for Medicare beneficiaries. Medicare’s Competitive Bidding Program (CBP) is causing confusion among beneficiaries with diabetes, increasing the rate and costs of hospitalization for these beneficiaries and putting their lives at risk. Recent findings from the...

Natural Selections

natural selections Dietary supplements have become the “snake oil” of the 21st Century, even though some natural products have positive benefits. With a multi-million-dollar boost from the National Institutes of Health, institutions throughout the country are diving in to research the health benefits of natural products. Research into the benefits of natural products to treat numerous chronic...

Prolactin May Be Effective Treatment for T1D

The growth factor prolactin, when combined with an immunotherapy, could be an effective treatment for type 1 diabetes (T1D), according to a study recently published in Endocrinology. Researchers led by Carol Huang, MD, PhD,  of the University of Calgary in Alberta, Canada, write that immunotherapy can restore self-tolerance thereby halting continued immune-mediated β-cell loss, but...

Diabetes Research Articles

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