
Highs & Lows: Reevaluating Hypoglycemia in Elderly Diabetes Patients

EN1117_cover Hypoglycemia, a misunderstood diabetes complication, not only confounds the public and patients, but many healthcare providers as well. Elderly diabetes patients with hypoglycemia are especially vulnerable to this dilemma. Mary M. Julius, RDN, CDE, clinical coordinator of Diabetes Self Management Education and Support and a research dietician and nutritionist at the Department of Veteran’s Affairs...

Case of the Month: Endocrine Board Review Online

november esap This issue highlights Endocrine Board Review Online. Test your clinical knowledge and prepare for your exam with access to live course session recordings and case questions. Available on the online store.   Clinical Vignette A 45-year-old woman with a 20-year history of type 1 diabetes mellitus that has been complicated by nephropathy and retinopathy is...

Diabetes Research Articles

Get the most up to date news on diabetes research and treatment. For more information read the latest issue of Endocrine News.