
Crossing Borders: The Impact of the Travel Ban

Al_Nofal_Alaa_MUG_RGB [UPDATE: Since this story went to print, the Trump administration has issued a new travel ban that places restrictions on immigrants from Chad, Iran, Libya, North Korea, Somalia, Syria, Venezuela, and Yemen. Therefore, the Supreme Court postponed oral arguments in the travel ban case that were scheduled for October.] While the ACA repeal effort is ongoing...

Endocrine Society Joins Hurricane Relief Efforts

Over the past two weeks, the Endocrine Society has been working the Diabetes Emergency Relief Coalition (DERC), led by the American Diabetes Association and JDRF, to ensure diabetes supplies reach those affected by Hurricane Harvey. So far, the effort has delivered over 3,700 pounds of diabetes supplies to the Houston area; additional supplies are being...

Freelance Reporter Receives Endocrine Society Award for Excellence in Science and Medical Journalism

Lindsey Konkel, a New Jersey-based freelance reporter, received the Endocrine Society’s annual Award for Excellence in Science and Medical Journalism, the Society announced today. Konkel was honored at the Society’s 99th Annual Meeting & Expo in Orlando, Fla., for her coverage of how exposure to endocrine-disrupting chemicals (EDCs) can affect the development of the placenta,...

Endocrine Society Joins March for Science

The Endocrine Society is proudly partnering with the March for Science, which will bring together more than 100 scientific organizations on Saturday, April 22 to celebrate science and rally public support for publicly funded research. The march, to be held in Washington, DC, is expected to draw thousands. More than 400 cities worldwide will host...

Endocrine Society Response to Immigration Order

Kronenberg, Henry (PE 2015) President Donald Trump signed an executive order on Friday, January 27, limiting refugees into the U.S., barring the citizens of seven countries – Iraq, Iran, Syria, Somalia, Sudan, Libya, and Yemen – from entering the U.S. on any visa category, and, consequently, also creating new barriers to the global exchange of scientific information. The order...

Endocrine Society Newsmakers in December

USA Today‘s Diagnosis: Diabetes Magazine—Dollars & Cents: Experts suggest ways to offset rising insulin costs Clinical Affairs Core Committee Chair Robert Lash, MD, discussed the importance of using diabetes medications as directed in the national newspaper’s digital magazine on diabetes. Le Monde —Perturbateurs endocriniens : la fabrique d’un mensonge (Endocrine disrupters: the manufacture of a...