To pay tribute to C. Wayne Bardin, MD, and honor his legacy, the Endocrine Society is now raising money for an endowment fund to support an annual international travel award, the C. Wayne Bardin, MD International Travel Award for young, outstanding endocrinologists to attend the annual meeting of the Endocrine Society. This award honors Bardin’s longstanding interactions with endocrinologists around the world and his interest in recognizing and nurturing young researchers.
Bardin passed away in New York City on Oct 10, 2019 at the age of 85. During his scientific career, he contributed enormously to women’s reproductive health by developing novel and effective contraceptive methods particularly applicable for use in underdeveloped countries. His key attributes included a passion to help provide reproductive services and training in countries with emerging economies as well as mentoring numerous trainees.
Bardin was strongly committed to serving the Endocrine Society and for many years contributed his efforts with a high level of enthusiasm. Highlighted leadership roles include: Director of the Clinical Endocrinology Update Course for many years, membership on the Endocrine Society Council, and president of the Endocrine Society (1993-94).
Candidates for the travel award will be chosen based on the quality of his/her ENDO research potential. The grant will cover up to $3,000 in travel, hotel, and per-diem costs for the annual meeting. The Endocrine Society will also waive the registration fee for the awardees. We encourage our membership to make donations for this worthy cause to the “in Memory of C. Wayne Bardin Fund” available on our website. Through private donations made prior to this announcement to the general membership, 60% of the total amount ($100,000) needed to fund a named award in the Endocrine Society has already been received.
To contribute to this award, please donate to the “In Memory of C. Wayne Bardin Fund” at www.endocrine.org/donation. Information on the award can be found at: www.endocrine.org/bardinaward.
Details on how to donate as well as Bardin’s obituary published earlier in JCEM and Endocrine News, and the Travel Award Plan, are also available on the website listed above.