
Meet New Endocrine Society President, Stephen Hammes, MD, PhD

Hammes-ENDO 2022RESIZED The Endocrine Society is pleased to welcome its president for 2023 – 2024, Stephen Hammes, MD, PhD, who took office during ENDO 2023 in Chicago. Hammes is the Louis S. Wolk Distinguished Professor of Medicine, chief of the Division of Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism, and executive vice-chair of the Department of Medicine at the University of...

Endocrine Society Attracts Major Headlines

UrsulaKaiserHeadshotENDO2022 I’m so proud of the news presence the Society has built and the coverage we have had over the last few months related to our Obesity Science Writers Conference and our advocacy efforts. We are regularly featured in the news for our research and advocacy. Reporters rely on our members’ expertise on various endocrine health...

Championing the Development of Early-Career Members

UrsulaKaiserHeadshotENDO2022 One of the most rewarding aspects of our work is mentoring the next generation of endocrine researchers and clinicians. It is so gratifying to see promising young professionals establishing productive careers in our field. We have several initiatives underway to support professionals entering the field. Next month, we will host workshops for promising researchers and...

Advance Your Career by Volunteering

UrsulaKaiserHeadshotENDO2022 As we each consider how to make the most of 2023, I hope you will take a few moments to ponder your role in the Endocrine Society and ways to maximize your membership. Getting involved in our activities can be very rewarding, both personally and professionally. In the past two decades, I have been fortunate...

Taking Stock of Our Achievements

UrsulaKaiserHeadshotENDO2022 After the stress of the past two years, 2022 felt like we were starting back into the world again. Despite ongoing pandemic pressures at work and home, we came together as a community this year to advance science and make a difference for patients. We have so much to celebrate — our first in-person annual...

The Endocrine Society’s Ongoing Diabetes Advocacy

UrsulaKaiserHeadshotENDO2022 November is Diabetes Awareness Month, an important opportunity to raise awareness about the challenges facing over 37 million people who live with diabetes in the U.S. I am proud of the Endocrine Society’s work advocating for improved prevention, more research, greater access, and lower insulin costs, as well as our contributions to sharing the latest...

Meet New Endocrine Society President Ursula B. Kaiser, MD

UrsulaKaiserHeadshotENDO2022 The Endocrine Society is pleased to welcome its president for 2022 – 2023, Ursula B. Kaiser, MD, who took office during ENDO 2022 in Atlanta, Ga. A physician-scientist, Kaiser is chief of the Division of Endocrinology, Diabetes, and Hypertension; George W. Thorn, MD, Distinguished Chair in Endocrinology; and director of the Brigham Research Institute at...