
Duration of Infertility in Men May Affect Sperm Count

A longer duration of infertility was associated with lower sperm count and other parameters of impaired sperm, according to a study recently published in BJU International. The study also shows that older age and higher body mass index were associated with a longer duration of infertility. Researchers led by Andrea Salonia of the Division of...

Review Proposes Best Practices for Diagnosing, Treating Klinefelter Syndrome

A paper recently published in Endocrine Reviews presents a comprehensive look at Klinefelter syndrome (KS), a rare disease that poses diagnostic challenges and remains largely misunderstood in the medical community. The review, by Claus H. Gravholt, MD, PhD, of the Department of Endocrinology and Internal Medicine (MEA) at Aarhus University Hospital in Norrebrogade, Denmark, et...

Metabolic Syndrome Modifies Testosterone, Mortality Link in Older Men

Metabolic syndrome (MetS) modifies the association between testosterone and mortality in older men, according to a study recently published in the Journal of the Endocrine Society. Researchers led by Marianne Canonico, PhD, of the Université de Versailles St-Quentin-en-Yvelines, Center for Research in Epidemiology and Population Health, INSERM, in Versailles, France, point out that there have...


Interested in learning more about the latest developments in men’s health news and endocrinology? Looking to stay up to date on men’s health as it relates to the field of endocrine glands and hormones? Welcome to your resource for the most recent articles, interviews, editorials and studies relating to your field. Here on this page you’ll find research written from the perspective of industry leaders in the realm of endocrinology, whether that’s a relevant physician interview or posted findings from a new study. Explore these resources to round out your perspective on topics like how hormones relate to male hernias, what the latest studies are saying about normal testosterone levels, new information on male birth control shots, male fertility, interviews with experts and more.

As an endocrinologist or physician interested in the endocrinology world, you know that staying on top of changes to the field is crucial for helping you provide the highest level of care for your patients, as well as be able to interact with colleagues in your area of specialty. Come to this men’s health news page of Endocrine News to easily access the latest and most relevant information to aid you in your work. As you learn more about new developments and studies, you can expand your knowledge base and strengthen your skills conveniently.

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