Using social media in your laboratory can help you collaborate while simultaneously promoting your research to interested colleagues around the world. What started in the late 90s as a “social” way to connect with friends and family, social media has exploded into the habits of Americans’ everyday lives. Multiple social media platforms are relied on...
Considering your lab probably consumes more energy than your entire home, it might be time to look at a number of options to make your laboratory more energy friendly. Did you know laboratories consume five times more energy than your average home? And that small water baths can use as much energy as a dishwasher...
As technology evolves and tech staff expands and contracts, it’s key to have a laboratory environment that evolves as well. If you’re looking to give your lab space an upgrade, Endocrine News has a few helpful hints. It is not uncommon to outgrow your laboratory space. A new work function may change your equipment needs,...