
Pros & Cons: Breaking Free from Burnout

andrisse Stanley Andrisse, PhD, MBA, has a remarkable story that has taken him from a prison cell to Johns Hopkins University. He knows firsthand the effects of burnout and how to overcome it. He shares his tips on avoiding burnout and how he achieves an ideal work/life balance, as well as his own amazing journey. Stanley Andrisse,...

The Challenges of Lab Relocation

If you thought moving your home was stressful, wait until you have to move your lab! We share some tips from someone who has been there, moved that! Moving companies may be the only ones who like moving. The packing, unpacking, and setting up in a new place can give anyone months-long anxiety. When the...

Trust but Verify: The Impact of Erroneous ACTH Assays

An ACTH assay’s accuracy became so concerning that it warranted a paper in the Journal of the Endocrine Society that detailed five separate cases. Raising awareness of this rare but serious issue can avoid misdiagnoses that put patients in peril.  This past April, an article appeared in the Journal of the Endocrine Society titled, “Assay-Specific...

Lab Notes Q&A: Laura Alonso, MD

Alonso head shot Endocrine News talks with Laura Alonso, MD, from Weill Cornell Medicine and NewYork-Presbyterian/Weill Cornell Medical Center where she discusses research funding and how she hopes her research improves the lives of patients with diabetes. Laura Alonso, MD, is a physician-scientist working on a cutting-edge approach to replenish the body’s insulin-producing beta cells to treat diabetes....

It’s Easy Being Green in the Lab

endogear_touchpad Laboratories are one of the next major frontiers in sustainability. Laboratories consume as much as five times more energy per square foot than typical offices, and the opportunity for energy reduction is enormous. While the combination of energy-intensive equipment, round-the-clock operations, and unique ventilation requirements do pose a challenge when looking at reducing a lab’s...

2019 Early Investigators Award Winners Roundtable

awards Each year at ENDO, the Endocrine Society recognizes endocrine researchers who are in the blossoming stages of their research careers with Early Investigator Awards. Endocrine News rounded up this year’s recipients to ask them about their research, their labs, and the award will help them reach their research goals. For researchers in the early stages...