
Work Left to Do: Q&A with Mitchell A. Lazar, MD, PhD

Despite being inducted into what he calls the “Endocrine Hall of Fame” upon receiving this year’s Fred Conrad Koch Lifetime Achievement Award, Mitchell A. Lazar, MD, PhD, reflects on his achievements and his legacy. However, he wants to make sure that despite such lofty recognition, he assures us that he still has “a couple of...

Researchers Roundtable: Meet the 2023 Early Investigator Awardees

Aug 2023 cover Every year the Endocrine Society recognizes endocrinologists who are in the early stages of their research careers with the Early Investigator Awards. Endocrine News spoke to five researchers from around the world to find out more about their award-winning research, the award’s potential impact, as well as the biggest challenges facing them today. When the...

Nevertheless, She Persisted

Tasnim Ahsan, MRCP, FRCP, knows how to shatter more than a few glass ceilings. Tasnim Ahsan, MRCP, FRCP, recipient of the Endocrine Society’s 2023 International Excellence in Endocrinology Laureate Award, is also the founder of the Pakistan Endocrine Society. She talks to Endocrine News about treating transgender patients in a challenging environment, launching a nationwide...

Beyond the Bench: Q&A with William Rainey, PhD

Physiology, Sarah Lawson Honored with the Endocrine Society’s 2023 Outstanding Mentor Laureate Award, William Rainey, PhD, talks to Endocrine News about his mentoring philosophy, how he’s expanding adrenal research throughout academia, and how his own experiences as a mentee have informed his role as a mentor. It starts with his belief that mentorship extends beyond the laboratory doors....

Fascinating [Circadian] Rhythm: Q&A with Joseph Bass, MD, PhD

Joseph-T.-Bass_Headshot_GreepAward As one of the world’s leading experts in circadian biology and endocrinology, Joseph Bass, MD, PhD, was an obvious choice for the Endocrine Society’s 2023 Roy O. Greep Outstanding Research Laureate Award. He talks to Endocrine News about the award, his mentors along the way, and how he became so enamored with the science behind...

ENDO 2023 Preview:  Junk Food

Maria 3 Maria T. Balhara discusses her ENDO 2023 sessions on food’s impact on human health   A three-session symposium on our everchanging food environment, “Impact of the Changes in Food Environment in the Development of Obesity,” looks at endocrine-disrupting chemicals, climate change, and processing methods and how these factors impact endocrine health, specifically obesity. Endocrine News talks...

Data Everywhere, All at Once!

How FASEB’s New Data Management Initiative Can Help FASEB’s new DataWorks! initiative gives researchers an easier way to manage and share data generated during routine biological and biomedical research. Endocrine News presents an overview of the new system and what you need to know to maximize your research data for your own benefit, as well...