
Meet the 2018 Laureates: Shlomo Melmed, MD

Melmed, Shlomo 2015 2018 Outstanding Scholarly Physician Award Shlomo Melmed, MD Shlomo Melmed, MD, compellingly impacts the practice of pituitary medicine by clinical leadership, educational initiatives, and major translational discoveries in pathophysiology and therapy of pituitary disease. He has elucidated mechanisms for paracrine pituitary growth factor regulation and pituitary tumorigenesis and identified novel molecules for pituitary tumor therapy....

Meet the 2018 Laureates: Christos Mantzoros, MD, DSc

Mantzoros, Christos Outstanding Clinical Investigator Award Christos Mantzoros, MD, DSc Christos Mantzoros, MD, DSC, an extraordinarily productive investigator, is currently the chief of the Nutrition Unit at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center and chief of the Endocrine Section at the VA Boston Healthcare System. Dr. Mantzoros serves as a full professor of medicine at Harvard Medical School...

Meet the 2018 Laureates: V. Craig Jordan, OBE, DSC, PhD

Jordan, V. Craig Gerald D. Aurbach Award for Outstanding Translational Research V. Craig Jordan, OBE, DSc, PhD The Gerald D. Aurbach Award for Outstanding Translational Research is presented to V. Craig Jordan, OBE, DSC, PhD, for the discovery and development of a novel group of medicines called Selective Estrogen Receptor Modulators (SERMs) applied to address the treatment and...

Daniel J. Drucker, MD, Named Editor-in-Chief of Endocrine Reviews

Drucker, Daniel - Approved_JPG Daniel J. Drucker, MD, professor of medicine and the Banting and Best Diabetes Centre-Novo Nordisk Chair in Incretin Biology at the University of Toronto, and a senior scientist at the Lunenfeld-Tanenbaum Research Institute, Mt. Sinai Hospital in Toronto, Ontario, Canada, has been named editor-in-chief of Endocrine Reviews. “It is truly an honor to lead a...

Meet the 2018 Laureates: Irl Hirsch, MD

Hirsch, Irl Outstanding Public Service Award Irl Hirsch, MD For the past three decades, Irl Hirsch, MD, has dedicated his time to patient care, clinical research, teaching, and public service. His career can be summarized as promoting diabetes awareness to improve the lives of people with diabetes. His public service started in the 1980s as a volunteer...

Meet the 2018 Laureates: Joel Habener, MA, MD

Habener, Joel Outstanding Mentor Award Joel Habener, MA, MD   Joel Habener, MA, MD, has been a leader in the identification and characterization of peptide hormone genes, transcription factors and mechanisms regulating β-cell function and survival. Among the seminal discoveries emanating from his lab, the identification of the first biological actions of GLP-1 is perhaps the most...

Meet the 2018 Laureates: Lawrence A. Frohman, MD

111108_Frohman_015.JPG Outstanding Leadership in Endocrinology Award Lawrence A. Frohman, MD Lawrence Frohman, MD, has had a long and distinguished career as a scientific and clinical leader, accomplished basic and clinical mentor, and outstanding teaching, service, and administrative achievements. He developed one of the first RIAs for rat growth hormone and identified and partially purified a GHRH...

Meet the 2018 Laureates: Robert V. Farese, Jr., MD

Farese, Jr., Robert V. Roy O. Greep Award for Outstanding Research Robert V. Farese Jr., MD Robert V. Farese Jr., MD, professor of genetics and complex diseases at Harvard TH Chan School of Public Health, is honored by the Endocrine Society with the Roy O. Greep Award for Outstanding Research for his seminal contributions to our understanding of cellular...