
Endocrine Society Congratulates 2019 Early Investigators Award Winners

The Endocrine Society has selected five recipients for its Early Investigators Awards.   The Early Investigators Awards were established to assist in the development of early career investigators and to provide greater recognition of their accomplishments in endocrine-related research.  “One of the biggest challenges endocrine fellows and junior faculty face is gaining recognition and obtaining access to the resources they need for professional development,”...

Stewart Named Editor-in-Chief of The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism

Stewart, Paul M. Paul M. Stewart, MD, FRCP, FMedSci, executive dean and professor of Medicine at the University of Leeds in the United Kingdom, has been named the next editor-in-chief of The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism (JCEM). JCEM is the world’s leading peer-reviewed journal for endocrine clinical research and cutting-edge clinical practice information. The journal provides the latest in-depth...

Endocrine Society Member Mitchell Lazar Receives Karolinska Institute’s 2019 Rolf Luft Award

Mitchell Lazar Endocrine Society member Mitchell Lazar, MD, PhD, a pioneer in the field of endocrinology and diabetes research, and the founding director of the Penn Institute for Diabetes, Obesity, and Metabolism (IDOM), will receive the 2019 Rolf Luft Award from the Karolinska Institute. As part of this honor, Lazar will present the Luft Prize Lecture, entitled, “Nuclear Receptors, Circadian Rhythms,...

Remembering Jean-Pierre Bourguignon, MD, PhD

Bourguignon, Jean Pierre Our mentor and colleague, professor Jean-Pierre Bourguignon, University of Liege, died January 30, 2019, less than two years after he was diagnosed with cancer, leaving a stark void in the world of international endocrinology. Jean-Pierre was a pediatric endocrinologist and pioneer in translational research regarding the role the endocrine system has on the brain of...

Meet the 2019 Laureates: William F. Young, Jr., MD, MSc

Bill Young William F. Young, Jr., MD, MSc Outstanding Leadership in Endocrinology Award William F. Young, Jr., MD, MSc, is the Tyson Family Endocrinology Clinical Professor, Mayo Clinic College of Medicine in Rochester, Minn., where he is a past chair of the Division of Endocrinology. Spanning a four-decade career, his contributions as clinician, researcher, educator, committee member,...