
People with Brown Fat May Burn 15 Percent More Calories

New data highlights how cold exposure activates brown fat, energy metabolism Short-term cold exposure may help people with brown fat burn 15 percent more calories than those without, according to a small study published in The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism. Unlike white fat, brown fat burns calories through fatty acid oxidation and heat production and is considered a promising target in the fight against the obesity epidemic. The biggest activator of brown fat is moderate cold exposure. “This data improves our understanding of how brown fat works...

Eureka 2019: MRI & Brown Adipose Fat Activity

For the fifth year in a row, Endocrine News spoke with editors from Endocrine Society journals to get the scoop on the top endocrine discoveries of 2019. Here is part 5 of Eureka! 2019. Journal of the Endocrine Society editor-in-chief J. Larry Jameson, MD, PhD, professor of medicine, dean of the Perelman School of Medicine, and...

Age Not a Barrier to Benefits of Weight-Loss Surgery, Study Shows

While weight-loss surgeries are not usually performed in people above the age of 65, a new study shows that these procedures can lead to successful weight loss and better diabetes control in older adults. The study, presented at the Society for Endocrinology annual conference in Brighton, UK, indicates that elderly patients treated with bariatric surgery...

Case Study Illuminates Metreleptin’s Possible Role in Improving Lipid and Glycemic Profiles

Researchers in Japan have detailed a case report in which a young woman who survived childhood cancer was treated with metreleptin supplementation to improve her acquired incomplete lipodystrophy and published their findings in the Journal of the Endocrine Society. The researchers, led by Ayako Nagayama, MD, and Kenji Ashida, MD, PhD, (Nomura Laboratory) of Kurume...

Protein Kinase Revealed to Regulate Body Weight and Energy Homeostasis

Researchers have identified a protein kinase that controls weight and homeostasis and when deficient or inactivated can lead to metabolic diseases like obesity and type 2 diabetes, according to a mouse study recently published in Endocrinology. Researchers led by Eiichi Hinoi of the Laboratory of Pharmacology in the Department of Bioactive Molecules at Gifu Pharmaceutical...