
Virtual Endocrinology: The Rise of Telemedicine During COVID-19

july cover How clinicians treat patients has been drastically reimagined during the COVID-19 pandemic due to social distancing requirements. Since patients still need to see their doctors one way or another, telemedicine has filled the gap and has been embraced by both the healthcare community and patients alike. Chirag R. Kapadia, MD, is an endocrinologist at Phoenix...

Best Laid Plans: Managing COVID-19 in Hospital Settings

A series of papers to be published across a variety of journals provides a potential roadmap for treating COVID-19 patients within a hospital setting. It tells practitioners in these healthcare environments how to prepare for the unexpected. On April 30, an article appeared in the New England Journal of Medicine titled “Best Practices for a...

Pros & Cons: Breaking Free from Burnout

andrisse Stanley Andrisse, PhD, MBA, has a remarkable story that has taken him from a prison cell to Johns Hopkins University. He knows firsthand the effects of burnout and how to overcome it. He shares his tips on avoiding burnout and how he achieves an ideal work/life balance, as well as his own amazing journey. Stanley Andrisse,...

In Living Color: Extending Your Practice’s Reach Via Telehealth

The advent of smart phones has enabled patients to avoid lengthy travel and made languishing in waiting rooms a thing of the past as telehealth has become more and more common in endocrinology practices. Telehealth can help manage the kind of chronic conditions, such as hypothyroidism or diabetes, that are considered hallmarks of endocrinology. Such...