
Careers in Focus: Meet Three of the 2023 CoDI Video Contest Winners

The Endocrine Society’s Committee on Diversity and Inclusion (CoDI) launched The Future of Endocrinology Video Competition this year to further prioritize diversity, equity, and inclusion throughout the academic cycle. Endocrine News chatted with three of this year’s contest winners about their own goals and the importance of such programs. For Arthur Registre, the Endocrine Society’s...

Stranger Things: A Look at Some Unusual Cases from JCEM Case Reports

Three case studies from JCEM Case Reports highlight the work by early-career Hispanic and Latino researchers from around the country. Maria Daniela Hurtado Andrade, MD, PhD, Carlos S. Botero Suarez, MD, and Nicolas Villarraga discuss these highly unusual cases that put their problem-solving skills to the test. When JCEM Case Reports was launched at the...

Poster Presentation Pointers – Early-Career Members Share Their Research Presentation Tips

For first-time attendees, presenting research at an international conference such as ENDO 2023 can be a little intimidating. Early-career members Diana M. Dimayuga, MD, and PhD candidate Jewel Banik share what they learned when they presented their research last year at ENDO 2022 in Atlanta. Soon after Diana M. Dimayuga, MD, submitted her late-breaking meta-analysis...