
Obama Nominates Slavitt as Medicare Administrator

President Barack Obama’s nomination of acting administrator Andy Slavitt to be administrator of the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services leaves Senate Republicans weighing how to orchestrate the confirmation process in their favor. The Senate could use a confirmation hearing to rehash the stumbles of the 2010 healthcare overhaul, particularly the launch of the federal...

Brat Amendment Defeated, House Passes 21st Century Cures Legislation

The Society’s grassroots advocacy helped defeat an amendment that would have made a new funding stream for the National Institutes of Health (NIH) discretionary rather than mandatory and clear the way for passage of the 21st Century Cures Act. After a year and a half of consideration, the U.S. House of Representatives was ready to...

Society Stresses Sex Inclusion in Biomedical Research to Congress

On July 10 the Endocrine Society and the Society for Women’s Health Research (SWHR) co-sponsored a briefing entitled, “Maximizing the Benefits of Biomedical Research: A Tale of Mice and WoMen, Why We Need to Balance the Study of Males and Females.” Speakers included former Endocrine Society president Teresa K. Woodruff, PhD; Phyllis Greenberger, president and...

Society Stresses Sex Inclusion in Biomedical Research to Congress

On July 10 the Endocrine Society and the Society for Women’s Health Research (SWHR) co-sponsored a briefing entitled, “Maximizing the Benefits of Biomedical Research: A Tale of Mice and WoMen, Why We Need to Balance the Study of Males and Females.” Speakers included former Endocrine Society president Teresa K. Woodruff, PhD; Phyllis Greenberger, president and...

Influencing Congress & the EU

On June 1, R. Thomas Zoeller, PhD, co-chair of the Society’s EU and Global EDC Task Forces presented during the European Commission (EC) Conference on Endocrine Disruptors: Criteria for Identification and Related Impacts and told the European Commission that current approaches to identify EDCs are not effective because they do not take into account critical...

Society Roundtable Prioritizes Hypoglycemia

On April 29, the Society co-hosted a roundtable with Merck to discuss the current hypoglycemia landscape and to delve deeper into policy priorities that were identified at our diabetes policy summit last September. The roundtable featured key officials from professional societies, patient advocates, quality improvement organizations, and the federal government, including NIDDK, CDC, and Veteran’s...

Meaningful Use Rules Outline Changes to the Program for 2015 and Beyond

The CMS released a Notice of Proposed Rule Making (NPRM) on March 20, which outlines the requirements for Stage 3 Meaningful Use for eligible professionals (EPs), eligible hospitals, and critical access hospitals in the EHR Incentive Programs. The CMS believes that the provisions in the rule will provide more flexibility to EPs by: Establishing a...

Endocrinologists Take to the Capitol for ES Hill Day

The spring is always hectic in Washington, D.C. It is the time of year when tourists flock to D.C. for cherry blossoms, school trips take in the historic sites, and Congress is hard at work on several legislative deadlines, including the federal budget, appropriations, and repeal of Medicare’s flawed physician payment system. On March 25,...

Endocrinology Advocacy

Not all topics of relevance to endocrinologists are about specific conditions and diseases. Sometimes, doctors need information about changes in the medical field or the field of endocrinology. Changes to medical insurance legislation, drug trial regulations and even patient privacy legislation all impact a practitioner’s way of doing business and practicing medicine. Yet keeping track of these details is not always easy. That’s why Endocrine News has organized articles and news pieces on these topics into this advocacy page. Here, practitioners can find the information gathered by the Endocrine Society, a leading endocrinology advocacy organization, conveniently in one location.

Important Advocacy Information From the Endocrine Society

As an endocrinology advocacy organization, the Endocrine Society is constantly working to advocate for endocrinologists and their patients, both in the government and in various research centers across the country. Here on Endocrine News, you can stay informed about these efforts and their results, so you are well aware of what changes may be coming that affect your practice. This is an invaluable resource for doctors who wish to spend their time focusing on their patients, rather than advocating for their practices, but also wish to stay informed about what is happening in the field.

Both Clinical and Research Advocacy Information

On the Advocacy page, Endocrine News provides advocacy information relevant to both those in the research field and those practicing on a clinical level. Stay up to date with the activities of the Endocrine Society, learn more about the legislation that affects your work, and see highlights of leading researchers who are pioneering not only advances in the practice but also advocacy for endocrinology as a field. By utilizing the resources on the Advocacy page, you will be better equipped to meet the needs of your patients while staying abreast on the changes affecting the industry.