Get Answers at The Endocrine Society’s Early Investigators Workshop

Are you currently a fellow who is taking steps to initiate your first research project? Have you been searching for advice on how to design your research study or develop an effective mentoring plan? Are you interested in learning how to identify and secure funding for your research? Even how to balance it all with your personal life? If your answer is yes to any of these questions, The Endocrine Society has a workshop that you won’t want to miss, specifically designed to give you in-depth instruction on how to build a successful careers in research.

The Early Investigators Workshop (EIW) features hypothesis-driven clinical and translational research presentations, career development talks, small-group research presentations, and networking opportunities with peers and faculty. It is a valuable educational opportunity for fellows to grow their knowledge base and pick up essential skills that will help achieve their career goals. The 2012 EIW will be held on September 28 and 29 in the San Francisco Bay area.

Open to both basic science and clinical research fellows, the Workshop has been a rewarding experience for those who attend it. Participants from the 2011 Workshop talked to Endocrine News about their experiences.

I learned that mentorship was very important for anyone in an academic career, in particular at the early stages. It was also fascinating to hear the lecture on the relations between academia and industry. The grant-writing lecture and discussions were very helpful. The discussion sessions on fellows’ presentations were useful and helped me learn how to write a funding proposal to NIH. The session on balancing academic and family life was very interesting because it presented challenges but also presented solutions.

Fellows in their second year should be certain to attend this workshop. There was obvious support from the faculty for further connections. It was a great meeting. Thanks to The Endocrine Society for showing excellent support to the fellows. Thanks to the great faculty members for their great effort.

I think this workshop not only met my expectations but exceeded them. Professors not only shared steps and strategies that led them to succeed in their careers, but also cautioned us against mistakes they made in their careers.

I would strongly recommend the Early Investigators Workshop to anyone serious about making a career in this field. Early years of postdoc or research require proper guidance and this workshop provides a great platform to meet highly successful and accomplished people in this field. There were good opportunities to talk to them on various topics.

I would advise future participants
to come prepared for this workshop by reading about the profile and area of research of the speakers to ensure better understanding about their fields, get their business cards in the meeting, actively network among peers and mentors, start writing grants early in their careers, and attend such meetings and conferences on a regular basis because this is very helpful in career growth.

The Early Investigators Workshop is a must-attend event for any early career investigators wishing to advance their research careers. Nominations are now being accepted through July 17.

Space for this event is limited so apply today! Visit www.endo-society. org/trainees/ and search “Early Investigators Workshop.”

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