Reflecting on a momentous year

A Presidential Farewell

As I celebrate the culmination of my presidency at ENDO in San Francisco, I look back at the past 12 months with great pride, appreciating the Society’s numerous achievements in such a short time. It is remarkable what a group of motivated volunteer members and dedicated staff can accomplish when working together.

Ambassador Exchange Program and International Activities

The first year of the Ambassador Exchange Program concludes at ENDO in San Francisco, where all the program participants will be in attendance. The participants from India and South Africa visited the respective U.S. institutions (University of Michigan and University of Pennsylvania) in early June to complete the second part of the exchange. The four trainee participants will share their experiences at the Early Career Forum at ENDO on Friday, June 14. I would like to thank our ambassadors for their enthusiasm, dedication, and energy.

A Highlights of ENDO program was held in Russia in May, and planning is underway for similar programs in China (August) and in Mexico (November). These programs significantly expand the Society’s international presence while establishing new relationships with international endocrine organizations.

Advocacy and Outreach

The past year has been another strong year for the Society’s advocacy program. We have continued to focus on biomedical research funding, physician payment, diabetes, obesity, minority health disparities, and endocrinologist workforce issues, and we have made progress toward achieving our goals in these areas. Meetings on Capitol Hill and with the administration, congressional briefings, and the efforts of the grassroots network have helped to strengthen our relationships with policymakers and establish the Society as a preeminent source of knowledge. I look forward to seeing the future results of our work.

The Society continues to develop tools to support clinicians in their practice. Working with a broad coalition of organizations, the Society led an initiative to develop mealtime insulin decision support tools for primary care physicians and their patients. Tools to smooth the transition from pediatric care to adult care for numerous conditions are also now available.

The Society published two scientific statements, one on health disparities and one on vitamin D, as well as a Statement of Principles on Endocrine-Disrupting Chemicals (EDC). Th e Society has expanded its EDC advocacy beyond U.S. borders by presenting the statement at the European Union Commission meeting in Brussels and through continued participation in meetings with European policymakers.

Media coverage of ENDO 2012 was record-breaking, generating more than 2,232 news stories. In 2012, the Society set new records for media coverage of both its journals and the Society itself.

Th is past year, the Society launched its Media Webinar Series, where reporters learn about “hot topics” or current events associated with high-profi le endocrine-related issues. Th e media webinars have been attended by many leading outlets including Th e New York Times, Chicago Tribune, Reuters, Newsweek, and Bloomberg News.

Education and Trainee Activities

One of the most important and enjoyable activities of my presidential year was planning for ENDO 2013. Under the able leadership of its chairs—Didi Robins, Dan Marks, and Mike Tuttle—the Annual Meeting Steering Committee has created a spectacular scientifi c program designed to meet the highest expectations of our diverse Society membership.

In March, the Society held the first annual Reducing Health Disparities in Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Summit in Baltimore. Th e health disparities initiatives were conceived by now immediate Past President Janet Hall, and I would like to thank her for her eff orts in this area. I would also like to thank the members of the Minority Affairs Committee and the intercommittee task force who worked diligently to ensure the success of the Summit.

In January 2013, students and fellows attended two days of leadership and professional development programming at the fi rst Future Leaders Advancing Research in Endocrinology (FLARE) Workshop. FLARE is funded by a grant from the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (NIDDK) that supports programs aimed at recruiting and retaining early-career faculty and trainees from underrepresented groups.


Th e Society is increasing its journals’ online functionality and has developed new forms of content delivery by launching a full-text journals app for iPhone, iPad, and Android devices. Additionally, the Society is developing Endocrine Press, a platform for delivering authoritative and trusted knowledge to scientists, endocrinologists, primary care physicians, and allied health professionals.

A new publications hosting platform will be launched later this year to allow custom content delivery, advanced search features, book content hosting, enhanced continuing medical education experience, and mobile device support.

Hormone Health Network

The Hormone Health Network’s new website, launched in June 2012, offers clear, easy navigation of more than 100 patient education resources. The Network’s substantive library of patient education materials is now available through a mobile app developed by the Cleveland Clinic Foundation.

At ENDO 2013, the Hormone Health Network and Taking Control of Your Diabetes have teamed up to provide a unique, half-day learning experience for Bay-area patients with type 2 diabetes. This motivational health education event will provide patients with the latest approaches to managing the day-to-day challenges with diabetes. Nearly 300 patients will attend this fi rst-of-its-kind ENDO event.

Other Accomplishments

In 2012, the Society membership surpassed 16,000 members. The Society has embarked on major infrastructure enhancements to provide the best services to our members. A new Web site,, was launched in late May to deliver a better user experience. Other enhancements that will be launched later this year include a new membership database, a new publications and journals hosting platform, and the implementation of a learning management system.

I would like to recognize the outstanding leadership of the Society, particularly Past President Janet Hall and President-Elect Teresa Woodruff, as well as our colleagues serving on committees. And fi nally, I want to recognize the support from our entire staff , under the excellent leadership of Scott Hunt. It has been an honor to serve as your president and I look forward to the opportunity to continue to serve our Society in other ways in the years to come.

William F. Young Jr., MD
President, The Endocrine Society

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