
Endocrine Society Continues Global EDC Advocacy; EU Election Results Leaves Outcomes for EDC Legislation Uncertain  

On June 17, the Endocrine Society joined delegations from dozens of countries gathered in Geneva, Switzerland, for the third session of an ad hoc open-ended working group (OEWG) convened under the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) to develop proposals to establish a new science policy panel charged with helping to inform governments, companies, farmers and...

Pharma Fridays – June 28, 2024

An Endocrine News roundup of the week’s pharmaceutical news, breakthroughs, and general information. * Metabolon Receives NIH Grant to Develop Advanced Monitoring and Predictive Tools for Type 1 Diabetes Progression Morrisville, N.C.- based Metabolon, Inc., has received a grant from the National Institutes of Health (NIH) to develop an innovative product aimed at better monitoring...

Remembering “Father of Tamoxifen,” V. Craig Jordan, OBE, DSc, PhD

Jordan, V. Craig Pharmacologist V. Craig Jordan, OBE, DSc, PhD, a 2018 recipient of the Endocrine Society’s Gerald D. Aurbach Award for Outstanding Translational Research, passed away at the age of 76. Jordan, a professor of Breast and Medical Oncology and Molecular and Cellular Oncology at The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, discovered selective estrogen receptor modulators...

Pride Without Prejudice

A conversation with Bruno Ferraz-de-Souza, MD, PhD, and Stephen M. Rosenthal, MD As part of Endocrine News LGBTQ+ Pride Month coverage, we caught up with Bruno Ferraz-de-Souza, MD, PhD, and Stephen M. Rosenthal, MD, who had a lot to say about being openly gay in the world of endocrinology, both in the U.S. and abroad,...

Endocrine Society Advocacy Update – June 2024

Society Advocates for Access to Diabetes and Obesity Medications; Meets with FDA to Discuss Current Prescription Drug Shortages   Over the past several months, the Endocrine Society has advocated for improving access to diabetes and obesity medications amid ongoing drug shortages that have impacted the country. The Society has heard from our members that they are...