Society Journal Studies

The following studies, among others, will be published in Endocrine Society journals. Before print, they are edited and posted online in each journal’s Early Release section. You can access the journals at

The Clinical Course of Treated Hyperparathyroidism Among Patients Receiving Hemodialysis and the Effect of Cinacalcet: The EVOLVE Trial • Patrick S. Parfrey, Glenn M. Chertow, Geoffrey A. Block, Ricardo Correa-Rotter, Tilman B. Drüeke, Jürgen Floege, Charles A. Herzog, Gerard M. London, Kenneth W. Mahaffey, Sharon M. Moe, David C. Wheeler, Bastian Dehmel, MarieLouise Trotman, Dennis M. Modafferi, and William G. Goodman • Severe unremitting HPT develops frequently in patients on hemodialysis despite conventional therapy, and cinacalcet substantially reduces its occurrence.

The IGSF1 Deficiency Syndrome: Characteristics of Male And Female Patients • S.D. Joustra, N. Schoenmakers, L. Persani, I. Campi, M. Bonomi, G. Radetti, P. Beck-Peccoz, H. Zhu, T.M.E. Davis, Y. Sun, E.P. Corssmit, N.M. Appelman-Dijkstra, C.A. Heinen, A.M Pereira, A.J. Varewijck, J.A.M.J.L. Janssen, E. Endert, R.C. Hennekam, M.P. Lombardi, M.M.A.M. Mannens, B. Bak, D.J. Bernard, M.H. Breuning, K. Chatterjee, M.T. Dattani, W. Oostdijk, N.R. Biermasz, J.M. Wit, and A.S.P. van Trotsenburg • In males, the X-linked IGSF1 deficiency syndrome is characterized by CeH, hypoprolactinemia, delayed puberty, macroorchidism, and increased body weight. A subset of female carriers also exhibits CeH.

Disuse Impairs the Muscle Protein Synthetic Response to Protein Ingestion in Healthy Men • Benjamin T. Wall, Tim Snijders, Joan M.G. Senden, Chris L.P. Ottenbros, Annemie P. Gijsen, Lex B. Verdijk, and Luc J.C. van Loon • A short period of muscle disuse impairs the muscle protein synthetic response to dietary protein intake in vivo in healthy young men. Thus, anabolic resistance to protein ingestion contributes significantly to the loss of muscle mass that is observed during disuse.

Growth Hormone Secretion Is Correlated With Neuromuscular Innervation Rather Than Motor Neuron Number in Early-Symptomatic Male Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis Mice • F. J. Steyn, K. Lee, M. J. Fogarty, J. D. Veldhuis, P. A. McCombe, M. C. Bellingham, S. T. Ngo, and C. Chen • Our data imply that increased GH secretion at symptom onset may be an endogenous endocrine response to increase the local production of muscle IGF-I to stimulate reinnervation of muscle, but that in the latter stages of disease this response no longer occurs.

Antagonistic Roles of Dmrt1 and Foxl2 in Sex Differentiation via Estrogen Production in Tilapia as Demonstrated by TALENs • Ming-Hui Li, Hui-Hui Yang, Meng-Ru Li, Yun-Lv Sun, Xiao-Long Jiang, Qing-Ping Xie, Ting-Ru Wang, Hong-Juan Shi, Li-Na Sun, Lin-Yan Zhou, and De-Shou Wang • Taken together, our data demonstrate that TALENs are an eff ective tool for targeted gene editing in tilapia genome. Foxl2 and Dmrt1 play antagonistic roles in sex diff erentiation in Nile tilapia via regulating cyp19a1a expression and estrogen production.

Inhibition of Hippocampal Aromatization Impairs Spatial Memory Performance in a Male Songbird • David J. Bailey, Chunqi Ma, Kiran K. Soma, and Colin J. Saldanha • Hippocampal aromatization, much of which is achieved at the synapse in this species, is critical for spatial memory performance.

Smad3 Induces Atrogin-1, Inhibits mTOR and Protein Synthesis, and Promotes Muscle Atrophy In Vivo • Craig A. Goodman, Rachel M. McNally, F. Michael Hoff – mann, and Troy A. Hornberger • This study provides the first evidence that Smad3 is sufficient to regulate many of the events associated with myostatin-induced atrophy and therefore suggests that the Smad3 signaling may be a viable target for therapies aimed at preventing myostatin-induced muscle atrophy.

Forkhead Box O1 Is a Repressor of Basal and GnRH-Induced Fshb Transcription in Gonadotropes • Danalea V. Skarra, David J. Arriola, Courtney A. Benson, and Varykina G. Th ackray • In summary, our data demonstrate that FOXO1 can negatively regulate Fshb transcription and suggest that FOXO1 may relay metabolic hormonal signals to modulate gonadotropin production.

Salt-Inducible Kinases 1 and 3 Negatively Regulate Toll-Like Receptor 4-Mediated Signal • So Yong Kim, Sookyung Jeong, KyongHwa Chah, Eunyu Jung, Kwan-Hyuck Baek, Seong-Tae Kim, Jae-Hyuck Shim, Eunyoung Chun, and Ki-Young Lee • These results suggest that SIK1 and SIK3 negatively regulate TLR4-mediated signaling through the interruption of TAB2-TRAF6 complex and, thereby, the inhibition of ubiquitination of TRAF6. The present findings can be useful for a better understanding of multilevel interactions between the metabolic and immune systems.

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