Members in the News: John W. Funder Awarded Fondation IPSEN Endocrine Regulations Prize

Endocrine Society member John W. Funder, MD, PhD, of Prince Henry’s Institute in Victoria, Australia, today was awarded the Fondation PSEN Endocrine Regulations Prize for his work on endocrine aspects of hypertension, including primary aldosteronism. The award was presented at the International Congress of Endocrinology — Chinese Society of Endocrinology in Beijing.

As Business Wire points out, Funder said of the award: “The Fondation IPSEN Endocrine Regulations Prize is a true honor. I am delighted to be counted among the recipients for this prestigious award.”

Funder chaired the task force for the Society’s Clinical Practice Guideline on primary aldosteronism.

Read the story here.

And to learn more about The Fondation ISPEN, click here.

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