Member benefits

Are You Enjoying the WEALTH OF BENEFITS Available to You?

The Endocrine Society has some exciting enhancements to its publications program and important reminders of significant member benefits.

The Society’s journals are some of our most important assets; they reflect growth and expansion and also reach a broad audience. The Society’s publishing enterprise is constantly exploring and developing new ways to disseminate content that serves the membership and other audiences, including international ones. Our new digital strategy will further enhance the value of our publications for members, authors, and readers.

High-Tech Enhancements

To support the digital strategy, we’ve undertaken the following initiatives:
A full-text Endocrine Society journals App for iPhone, iPad, and Android: More than 20,000 articles have been read since the app’s launch last June. App usage is worldwide, with the highest activity in North America, South America, Europe, and Asia.
Mobile Web versions of the journals’ websites, launched last April: Members and subscribers can scan or review full-text content formatted to fit the screens of Apple, Android, and other devices. Any user can view article abstracts at no charge.
Subject microsites (m-sites) for the Society’s journals: M-sites are a class of journal websites created primarily to maximize discoverability of content and to drive traffic to the journal site. JCEM’s Diabetes m-site will be the first of several sites to launch in the first quarter of 2013.
A Publication Hosting Platform: Initiated in the third quarter of this year, the platform will not only off er competitive features and functionality (e.g., faster content searching) to members and subscribers, but will also enable the Society to realize new opportunities with digital scholarly content.
Endocrine Press: Launching later this year, the Society’s publishing imprint will serve as a platform for delivering authoritative and trusted knowledge to scientists, endocrinologists, primary care physicians, and allied health professionals. Content developed and published by Endocrine Press will be based on emerging needs of basic scientists and clinicians and will incorporate new online features and digital technologies.

Additional Membership Benefits

Most of us are aware of our access to world-renowned journals
and registration discounts to ENDO. However, many
other benefits are available to our members. Here are a few:
Advocacy: The Society engages with the U.S. Congress and administration to advocate for matters important to endocrinologists, such as funding for research and physician reimbursement issues. We are well represented in the Federation of American Societies of Experimental Biology (FASEB) and in the American Medical Association’s House of Delegates. Learn about these efforts at www.endo-society.or/advocacy. You can also contact Congress on pertinent issues at
Journals: Along with your access to the Society’s peerreviewed journals, members can view Th e Endocrine Legacy at This comprehensive online archive includes all articles since each journal’s inception (with the exception of articles published within one year of the most current issue). Members also save on page and color charges when they publish their work in our journals.
News & Literature: Every week day you should receive the Endocrine Daily Briefi ng, a digest of the most important endocrinology-related news of the day. Each Friday the MedInfoNow email provides information on new books and journals in endocrinology.
Clinical Practice Guidelines: Members can download free PDF copies of clinical practice guidelines at, and print editions may be purchased at a discount. Members may also review and comment on guidelines before they are published.
Awards & Grants: Th e Society provides more than 400 awards and grants per year, so be sure to to learn more. Use EndoGrants Central, a database of funding opportunities, at
EndoCareers: Search the database or post an open position at
Mentor Exchange: Access for advice from other members on a range of topics.
Affinity Partners: From discounts with GEICO and Epocrates to a Society-themed credit card from Capital One, you have access to many useful products and services from select vendors. Learn more I hope you will make the most of your Society membership in 2013. If you have any comments or questions, please contact me at [email protected]

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