Meet the 2023 Endocrine Society Laureates: Beverly M.K. Biller, MD, Recipient of the Sidney H. Ingbar Distinguished Service Award

Sidney H. Ingbar Distinguished Service Award

Beverly M.K. Biller, MD

A professor of medicine at Harvard Medical School and a physician at Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston, Mass., Biller has been a dedicated and tireless leader of the Endocrine Society for more than a quarter century, deeply impacting the Society and the field of endocrinology. This is reflected in her work on numerous Society committees, working groups and task forces, including serving as a Council/Board of Directors member, Clinical Science chair and overall chair of the Annual Meeting Steering Committee, Scientific and Educational Programs Core Committee Chair and an associate editor of The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism.

She was instrumental in developing the Society’s Committee on Diversity and Inclusion, which develops programs and strategies to create a more diverse Society and increases awareness around health disparities in endocrinology. In her role as a member of the Nominating Committee, she advocated for underrepresented clinicians, researchers, and educators to be selected for Board of Director and Presidential positions.

How has the Endocrine Society supported your professional development/career journey?

My involvement in Endocrine Society committees and Annual Meetings has led to wonderful collaborations and friendships with scientists and clinicians around the world.

As a Laureate Award recipient, do you have any advice for those just beginning their careers?

Volunteer for Endocrine Society activities and projects – you will meet people in your area of interest from around the globe, advance the mission of the Society and have fun along the way!


The Sidney H. Ingbar Award for Distinguished Service is presented in recognition of distinguished service to the Endocrine Society and the field of endocrinology. Supported by the Sidney H. Ingbar Memorial Fund.

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