David W. Harris, MD
Vigersky Outstanding Clinical Practitioner Award
David W. Harris, MD, is a full-time practicing endocrinologist at the Warren Clinic Diabetes Center in Tulsa, Okla., where he’s provided exemplary care for over 30 years. A tireless advocate for equal access to care and affordable diabetes medications, Harris led the glycemic management committee at Saint Francis Hospital to ensure consistent treatment protocols for hospitalized patients.
Harris has been instrumental in providing scholarships for medical and high school students in need and is a member of the Endocrine Society’s Hormone Health Network Committee, having previously served on the Scientific and Educational Programs Core Committee.
How has the Endocrine Society supported your professional development/career journey?
The Endocrine Society has functioned as a beacon of light which has illuminated a path to cutting-edge, scientifically based endocrine patient care. I have benefitted immensely from knowledge gained from the Endocrine Society’s meetings, publications, and continuing medical education programs. Endocrine Society committee service affords one exposure to the Society’s approach to addressing complex worldwide medical issues, and opportunities to meet, serve, and form professional liaisons with esteemed endocrine colleagues.
The Endocrine Society has functioned as a beacon of light which has illuminated a path to cutting-edge, scientifically based endocrine patient care.
As a Laureate Award recipient, do you have any advice for those just beginning their careers?
The practice of endocrinology is dynamic and always changing with new research, medications, and treatment methodologies. Always approach the discipline with an open mind, and be receptive to change. Embrace the journey and value professional relationships along the way.