Meet the 2021 Laureates: Helena Teede, MBBS, FRACP, PhD, FAAHMS

Helena Teede

Outstanding Leadership in Endocrinology Award

Helena Teede, MBBS, FRACP, PhD, FAAHMS


In Australia and internationally, Helena Teede brings longstanding passionate commitment and visionary leadership to endocrinology. Her current roles span endocrinology practice, research, healthcare, education, government, and not-for-profit sectors.


Under her leadership, Monash Health Diabetes Unit is one of four Australian National Diabetes Centres of Excellence. She founded the Monash Centre for Health Research and Implementation engaging stakeholders, generating and translating evidence with policy and practice impact in endocrinology and other disciplines. She leads Monash Partners, the largest Australian Academic Health Science Centre (AHSC), and by forming and chairing the National AHSC Alliance she is driving a paradigm shift towards strategic, prioritized, and impactful research. Building national alliances and international networks, bringing together clinicians, researchers, consumers, and policy makers with a single voice in women’s health, she has led development of evidence-based international guidelines for Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (38 societies including the Endocrine Society), and pragmatic healthy lifestyle pregnancy interventions tackling obesity, implemented internationally. She currently leads the WHO Healthy Lifestyle in Preconception and Pregnancy International Alliance. A person of great achievements, she has 25 awards, 440 publications and has $30 million in research funds including international and national competitive grants with three Australian NHMRC Centres for Research Excellence, Horizons 2020, PCORI, IDF, and WHO.

Having raised a family and maintained an international competitive academic and successful clinical career, she is an inspiring role model for women. With 35 past and current PhD students, she fosters new careers and builds international collaborations, which earned her Monash University’s Vice-Chancellor’s Award for Excellence in Postgraduate Supervision. As a College supervisor, she has trained more than 40 endocrinologists and runs women’s leadership programs for clinicians and early career researchers, and she was the first female clinician president of the Endocrine Society of Australia.

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