Cover Story
Just Right: How Much Vitamin D is Enough?
Some experts say that higher intakes of vitamin D could lead to big health benefits, while others question the evidence for this claim. Fortunately, clinical trials could provide answers to this controversial question soon.
Diagnosis Overkill: Is Thyroid Cancer Diagnosed Too Much?
In the last 40 years thyroid cancer rates have tripled, yet mortality has stayed the same. Has there been an unusually aggressive rush to judgment in diagnosing thyroid cancer?Physical Therapy: Treating the Athletic Diabetes Patient
When a patient with diabetes is also an athlete, there are myriad concerns, preparations, and precautions for patient and doctor alike.Growing Pains
The journey from childhood to adulthood can be wrought with challenges, especially for young people managing chronic health conditions. Now, online toolkits can help ease the stress and uncertainty of these life-changing transitions.Fiscal Fitness: How to Create a Lab Budget
How to create your lab’s budget in four simple, painless steps.