Dear Readers,

At some point, women of reproduc- tive age have to factor in whether they would like to have children. The deci- sion is most difficult for those who are overweight or obese, because their body type impedes fertility and contracep- tion. Three experts size up the clini- cal and laboratory evidence for these patients (page 22).

Burning the midnight oil burns out the body, leaving it prone to metabolic disorders such as type 2 diabetes and obesity. Epidemiological experiments have backed up this hypothesis, but now further evidence from biologi- cal experiments strengthens the link (page 30).

Before you order an imaging test for your patient, you may want to think again. Using iodinated contrast medium may put your patient at risk for a variety of thyroid dysfunctions (page 44).

For those attending ENDO 2012, welcome and enjoy. For those who are not, Endocrine News will highlight the meeting in upcoming issues. As always, feel free to email us at endocrinenews@ to tell us how we’re doing or to suggest story ideas.

Jacqueline Ruttimann, Ph.D.
Interim Editor
Endocrine News

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