The Society’s new brand

A New “Look” for the ENDOCRINE SOCIETY

It is my great pleasure to share with you the Endocrine Society’s new logo and tagline, launching this month after a comprehensive branding effort.

Our former logo, fondly known as the “bowling ball,” meant many things to our members. Some saw a letter “e” in the mark, others a globe, and many felt that the three bars represented the tripartite nature of the membership. The logo served us well for the more than 25 years it represented the Society. But as we enter our next 100 years, it is important that our brand convey our position on the world stage, with a look that is welcoming, fresh, and contemporary. In January 2013, Council began creating our new brand very deliberatively, appointing a task force composed of members from across our various constituencies who dedicated their time to engage in the creative process. Our task was simple: Tell the Endocrine Society’s story in a meaningful way. Marry the intellectual goals of the Society with something tangible our members could embrace. Create a fresh springboard to the future.

We developed a set of design criteria and spent many hours debating various details of the logo — even down to the relative merits of serif versus sans serif fonts! We took our time, ensuring that we were creating a brand that would represent the Society as it enters the next century of growth. After nine months, we’d finally achieved our goal, creating the new logo and tag line found at the top of this column. My deepest thanks to the members of the task force who gave many hours to this process: Brad Anawalt, Carol Greenlee, Jennifer Larsen, Sethu Reddy, Paul Stewart, and Kristen Vella. The end results reflect your dedication to this task.

The new Endocrine Society logo is modern, forward-thinking, and multi-dimensional. It carries elements from the previous logo that members identified with — an evocative “e,” the three bars of the tripartite membership — and a new element, a kinetic arc, representing momentum, marching forward, ever expanding our work, or it may embody the frontier of knowledge or even the edge of a globe, embracing the next generation of ideas from the entire world of endocrinology. In all these overt and subliminal ways, the Endocrine Society logo conveys professionalism, reflecting the Society, its members, and their work to the worlds of science, medicine, and to the public.

The task force also helped create a tag line for the Society, which you’ll see in the graphic at left: Hormone Science to Health. The tag line captures the unique, translational nature of our membership, explaining who we are and what we’re trying to accomplish. It relays the essence of our mission in the simplest of terms.

You may have also noticed another change … there is no longer a “The” in the official name of the Society. This may not seem like a big deal, but for years, the dreaded “The” has plagued the operations of the Society. It had to be capitalized (a violation of our beloved Chicago Manual of Style), led to some awkward sentence structures, and pushed us down to the “T” section of any alphabetized list of societies or companies at conferences. Clearly, we belong in the “E” section! We, therefore, bid farewell to the “The,” making us all “Endocrine Society” members.

Our new brand will launch on our website and in our publications this month, and the rollout will continue through theICE/ENDO 2014 meeting in Chicago. Our journals and books will also carry the new mark starting in January, but under the imprint of the recently launched Endocrine Press, the publishing arm of the Society. The Endocrine Press logo is shown below:

I’m excited to share the new Endocrine Society brand with you. I hope you find it an energizing yet scholarly interpretation of our multi-faceted Society. In the end, each of us is the Endocrine Society brand — I hope you will embrace this new identity as you continue to expand your work in the service of endocrine science and medicine.

Teresa K. Woodruff, PhD
Endocrine Society

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