Endocrine Society Supports Proposed MPFS Payment Increase for Endocrinology

The Endocrine Society responded to the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) proposed Medicare Physician Fee Schedule (MPFS) by advocating to maintain increase for endocrinology. This annual rule updates payment policies and payment rates for Part B services furnished under the MPFS. Every year, CMS requests public comment on its proposed changes.

We are pleased that the proposed rule includes an estimated 3% increase in overall Medicare payments under the rule for endocrinology. In our comments to CMS, we also shared support for the creation of a complex add-on code associated with office/outpatient evaluation and management (E/M) services. This add-on code can be used by endocrinologists once CMS finalizes payment for this code. CMS also requested comments about evaluating E/M services in a more comprehensive and frequent way. We shared with CMS our support for the creation of an expert panel to advise CMS on valuing E/M services. We are also pleased that CMS extended certain telehealth flexibilities including audio-only services, which we had advocated for.

We are pleased that the proposed rule includes an estimated 3% increase in overall Medicare payments under the rule for endocrinology.

Finally, we commented on two diabetes provisions in the rule including a proposal to expand coverage of diabetes screening tests to include Hemoglobin A1C test as well as improvements to the Medicare Diabetes Prevention Program (MDPP).

The Endocrine Society staff worked closely with the Clinical Affairs Core Committee (CACC) to draft our comments. CMS will release the final rule in December, which will take effect January 1, 2024.

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