Endocrine Society Discusses Research Priorities with NIDDK

On September 12, Endocrine Society president-elect Dale Abel, MD, PhD, and secretary-treasurer Richard Legro, MD, met with Griffin Rodgers, MD, MACP, the director of the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (NIDDK), to discuss emerging research priorities in endocrine science and opportunities to improve outcomes for trainees in endocrine research programs.

E. Dale Abel, MD, PhD

During the meeting Abel thanked the NIDDK for their continued support of the Future Leaders Advancing Research in Endocrinology (FLARE) program, a highly successful initiative which helps trainees from underrepresented minority communities build skills needed to advance their research careers. The group shared stories about FLARE fellows who are now making contributions to the field and are achieving independent research success.

Richard S. Legro, MD

Legro shared new insights on the relationship between polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) and insulin resistance and new research priorities for PCOS identified in the Endocrine Society’s recent Scientific Statement on PCOS. Participants also discussed the NIH response to text, recommended by the Endocrine Society and included in the House and Senate appropriations bill report, that called on the NIH to “report on the research that has been conducted on PCOS and its comorbidities to date, identify the gaps in the research, and develop a trans-NIH research action plan.”

The Endocrine Society appreciates the opportunity to share our priorities with Rodgers and his leadership team and learn about NIDDKs plans and goals for the coming year. The meeting resulted in concrete opportunities for the Society and NIDDK to work together on in the coming year to advance our shared public health objectives.

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