The Endocrine Society offers many things to our thousands of members: continuing education, clinical guidelines, scientific statements, advocacy campaigns, networking groups, career development, awards recognition, and leadership opportunities, to name a few.
But the Society’s biggest and most visible offering by far is ENDO!
This year’s ENDO 2025 in San Francisco, Calif., July 12-15, promises to continue the impressive level of programming and excitement that we’ve come to expect over the years.
But how is this program built?
As your president, I’m fortunate to have the inside view on this year’s meeting. I’ve also had firsthand experience serving as a member of the Annual Meeting Steering Committee on previous ENDOs and also having been the overall chair of ENDO 2018 in Chicago.
I know what it takes to put on this premier meeting. To do so is an incredibly rewarding experience, but it is also a huge amount of work by the member volunteers working with the wonderful Society staff over countless hours, tirelessly designing and delivering a program of such excellence, one that is attended by top endocrine clinicians and researchers from around the world.
The planning for ENDO 2025 started back in 2023! The Annual Meeting Steering Committee (AMSC) then had an in-person planning meeting in the summer of 2024. The tasks include identifying and inviting speakers, reviewing and selecting abstracts, and evaluating all ENDO educational components for scientific integrity, effectiveness, and quality, orchestrated by countless further virtual meetings and email exchanges to refine and polish the eventual jewel that is ENDO 2025!
That’s why I want to give a huge shoutout to the more than 50 volunteer members of this year’s AMSC, led by the truly remarkable team of chairs: Niki Karavitaki, MSc, PhD, FRCP, overall chair: Barbara Gisella Carranza Leon, MD, AMSC, clinical practice chair; Monica M Laronda, PhD, basic science chair; and Robin Patrick Peeters, MD, PhD, clinical science chair. Together with the society staff they have done the most fabulous job, as you will see when you come to ENDO 2025.
I’d like to share a few of the highlights of what attendees can expect this summer.
ENDO 2025 Educational Offerings
The heart of ENDO is its educational programming. This year features more than 200 sessions tailored into multiple pathways.
Using the program planner, attendees can easily find sessions that suit their specific interests and needs. Sessions are conveniently divided into 12 topical pathways, including adipose tissue, appetite and obesity; adrenal; thyroid biology and cancer; and “tumor biology.”
The bone and mineral metabolism pathway alone offers 16 sessions, including “Managing Calcium Disorders in Pregnancy,” “Exposing Sex Differences in Bone and Mineral Disorders,” and “Applying Cutting-Edge Approaches to Skeletal Diseases.”
ENDO also categorizes its offerings by science type. Attendees can find sessions that suit their specific interest, whether it is basic, basic and translational, bench to bedside, clinical, clinical and translational, or translational. Our basic science experts on AMSC are working to update our ever-popular basic science pathways to best suit the educational needs of our bench researchers
The meeting once again will feature its popular Meet the Professor (MTP) and Meet the Scientist (MTS) sessions. Among the 42 MTP offerings are fascinating sessions on: “Treatment of Obesity in Patients with Complex Comorbidities,” “Therapeutic Use Exemption in Elite Sport: The Endocrinologist as the Expert for Hormonal Drugs,” and “Unhappy Hypothyroid Patient.”
The MTS offerings include equally interesting sessions on “Serendipitous Discoveries of Sex Differences in Research,” “Unraveling the Limits and Power of Animal Models of Metabolic Disease,” and “Integration of Multiplex Imaging and Big Data to Inform Biological Processes.”
Plenaries: Addressing the Big Topics
ENDO does a great job of curating these programs by topics. But it’s always a pleasure to come together as a whole at the main stage for our plenaries. These grand sessions allow us a chance to celebrate the winners of our prestigious Laureate Awards and to focus on some of the biggest issues of our day.
ENDO’s three plenaries this year are “Genomics in Health Care” on July 12, “Women’s Reproductive Health: Aging and Environment” on July 13, and “Innovative Approaches in Obesity Care: From Molecules to Society” on July 14.
We are fortunate to have some of the world’s leading experts to discuss topics that have such a profound effect on health around the world. These plenaries are unmissable events!
Following each plenary session, attendees are invited to join a discussion with presenters in the ENDOExpo hall. This is a new feature for ENDO 2025 that we’re very excited about. These post-plenary discussions offer a unique opportunity for attendees to delve deeper into the topic and engage in a lively exchange of ideas with the experts.
More Than Education: Career Fairs, ENDOExpo, Networking, More
In addition to these rich educational offerings, ENDO offers members many other activities.
Attendees who are looking to advance in their careers can take advantage of our Career Fair located directly outside of the ENDOExpo main entrance on Sunday afternoon.
The ENDOExpo hall, of course, is home to our many industry partners who provide the products and services needed to run our field. Here you will find Science and Innovation Theaters where you can learn about the latest therapies and technologies.
In addition, ENDOExpo is home to thousands of scientific abstracts that have been submitted for presentation. I’m always amazed at the breadth and depth of research on hand each year. I still remember the first time I saw the Poster Hall as a young fellow and was so taken by the friendly buzz of discussions that were taking place amongst the thousands of posters.
And I would be remiss if I didn’t ask you to stop by the Endocrine Society booth, located at the heart of ENDOExpo. Here you can learn everything about our organization and meet the wonderful Society staff who work so diligently to serve the needs of our members.
Also, don’t forget to pick up some amazing Society gifts from the ENDO Store!
Networking is also a huge part of ENDO. The ENDOExpo is the site of our fabulous Opening Reception on July 12. This is a highlight of the meeting where we can catch up with old friends and make new ones!
As part of the meeting’s focus on networking, ENDO 2025 also will host several other receptions, and I also encourage new attendees and ENDO veterans to sign up for our ENDO Buddy program to match and navigate the meeting together.
Runners are encouraged to lace up their shoes on July 13 for our 5K Fun Run/Walk. This is a great way for attendees to start the day with fresh air, great company, and San Francisco’s beautiful scenery.
Finally, I’d like to give a hearty thank you to our generous sponsors who continue to support ENDO and the mission of the Society.
All this only scratches the surface of what ENDO 2025 has to offer. It’s a multifaceted meeting that has no peer in the endocrine space anywhere in the world. ENDO 2025 is the place to be! I look forward to seeing you in San Francisco!