HealthPartners Institute’s International Diabetes Center (IDC) recently developed and piloted a process for incorporating patients’ continuous glucose monitoring (CGM) data directly into the electronic health record (EHR), improving clinician access to glucose information.
During a presentation at the American Diabetes Association’s 81st Scientific Sessions, IDC medical director Amy Criego, MD, described this process for integrating the data, as well as what this means for the diabetes care management team, including endocrinologists and primary care clinicians in the future.
“CGM data provides a wealth of information. But without easy access, clinicians can’t fully leverage this information for their discussion with patients and clinical recommendations,” Criego says. “We demonstrated that there’s an effective way for clinicians to both view and track this data over time in the EHR, which we expect will improve how they’re able to support their patients.”
IDC partnered with Abbott on this initiative to improve diabetes management by making FreeStyle Libre CGM data available at the point of care. Clinicians can place an order in the EHR for a patient with diabetes who has agreed to share their CGM data. In real time, the data is transferred from Abbott’s cloud-based system, LibreView, via an EHR platform, allowing physicians to automatically view the patients CGM data in their lab results and diabetes flow sheet, and showing time in range and visual alerts for out-of-range values. The Ambulatory Glucose Profile (AGP) report, in PDF format, is also integrated into the EHR and allows clinicians to easily track the patient’s glucose trends over time and adjust treatment regimens as needed.
Using this model, clinicians no longer need to log in to a separate system to access their patient’s CGM data, which should make workflows more efficient and allow more time for treatment discussions.
“More studies are showing the benefits of CGM and validating these tools. The goal now is to make it easier for patients and clinicians to fully realize the benefits of connected diabetes care,” says Endocrine Society member Richard Bergenstal, MD, executive director of the IDC. “We’ll soon begin to study satisfaction among patients and clinicians who use this model and evaluate clinical outcomes and quality improvement initiatives, which could lead to broader adoption of CGM and other EHR-connected insulin delivery systems. Integrating CGM data into the EHR is a step in the direction of more efficient and effective diabetes management.”