Congress Takes Steps Towards Cosmetics Reform

Before Congress adjourned for the holidays, the House of Representatives was able to advance legislation that reflected some Endocrine Society priorities related to EDCs.

On December 3, Rep. Frank Pallone (D-NJ) introduced the Cosmetic Safety Enhancement Act (HR 5279), which would give the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) additional authority to regulate harmful chemicals found in personal care products. We were pleased that the legislation is consistent in many aspects with our positions on cosmetics reform, including a strong safety standard and providing the FDA the ability to issue recalls when necessary to ensure the safety of personal care products. HR 5279 is also consistent in many respects with a bill in the Senate also supported by the Endocrine Society, the Personal Care Products Safety Act (S 726), introduced by Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) and Susan Collins (R-ME).

We have been a strong advocate for cosmetics reform, given that some cosmetics and other personal care products may contain harmful EDCs. We are encouraged by continued progress on legislative reforms and look forward to working with the Congress in the new year to ensure that consumers are protected from harmful EDCs in the products they use on a daily basis.

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