CMS Finalizes Proposal to Expand Coverage of Continuous Glucose Monitors

We are pleased to report the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) finalized policy that will expand coverage of Continuous Glucose Monitors (CGM) and incorporated Endocrine Society recommendations.

The final local coverage determination (LCD) expands CGM coverage for all people with diabetes with any type or manner of insulin treatment. The policy also will allow CGM coverage for people with diabetes who are not on insulin but have had a history of reoccurring hypoglycemia.

Finally, the LCD clarifies that the six-month CGM follow-up visits can be done via telehealth. The finalized proposal will take effect on April 16. Visit for more information regarding CMS’s announcement.

Our comments highlighted many of the positive changes included, particularly the changes for people with diabetes who have “problematic hypoglycemia.

The Endocrine Society provided recommendations on CMS’s proposal when it was open for public comment last year. Our comments highlighted many of the positive changes included, particularly the changes for people with diabetes who have “problematic hypoglycemia.”

We also applauded the agency for expanding access to telehealth visits for people using CGM and asked CMS to consider ways to provide telehealth flexibility for the six-month CGM visit, a change the agency incorporated into the final LCD. 

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