Centennial Hill Day Participants Urge Congress to Support NIH, Medicare Coverage of CGMs

Endocrine Society members representing the Society’s leadership, Advocacy & Public Outreach Core Committee, Clinical Affairs Core Committee, Research Affairs Core Committee, Centennial Task Force, and Future Leaders to Advance Research in Endocrinology (FLARE) headed to Capitol Hill April 28 to educate Members of Congress about the importance of the endocrinology field. The Society held the Hill Day and a Congressional reception as part of its Centennial celebration.

June Advocacy Photo 1
Society members Ann Nardulli, PhD, Rhonda Souvenir, PhD, and Past President Richard J. Santen, MD, meet with Senator Charles Grassley (R-IA).

With Congress in the midst of the federal appropriations process, Hill Day participants emphasized the importance of federal funding for the National Institutes of Health (NIH) to support the development of new treatments for endocrine conditions. Society members also called on Congress to extend Medicare coverage to continuous glucose monitors so that people who are insulin dependent don’t lose access to this lifesaving technology when they age into Medicare.

Participants visited with almost 60 congressional offices. As a result of these visits, we gained several additional House and Senate co-sponsors of legislation to extend Medicare coverage for continuous glucose monitors and we had educated many offices about the value of endocrine research.

At the end of the day, the Society hosted a congressional reception on Capitol Hill to celebrate our 100th birthday. We were honored to have the co-chairs of the Congressional Diabetes Caucus, Representatives Diana DeGette (D-CO) and Tom Reed (R-NY), join us and speak about their families’ experiences with diabetes and their appreciation to the Society for the work we do, including our robust advocacy on the Hill for diabetes legislation and research funding.

Endocrine Society President Henry Kronenberg, MD, introduces Congressional Diabetes Caucus Co-Chairs Diana DeGette (D-CO) and Tom Reed (R-NY) at the Endocrine Society Centennial Reception on Capitol Hill.
Endocrine Society President Henry Kronenberg, MD, introduces Congressional Diabetes Caucus Co-Chairs Diana DeGette (D-CO) and Tom Reed (R-NY) at the Endocrine Society Centennial Reception on Capitol Hill.


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