
Boning Up on Osteoporosis

Since most endocrine conditions have a direct correlation to bone formation, endocrinologists should take more ownership of this complex disorder.

Pen to Paper

Many physicians and researchers are under the gun to “publish or perish,” but getting your name in print can be made easier by following a few simple steps.

Be Prepared

Getting your lab ready for an inspection is a combination of due diligence, best practices, and, of course, common sense.

Across the Lines

Despite higher incidences in whites, more African Americans are dying from thyroid cancer in the U.S. What’s behind this racial disparity, and can it be stopped?

Separate but Unequal: The Disparities of Diabetes

The factors as to why minorities have a higher prevalence than whites when it comes to diabetes are humerous. However, successful treatment solutions start with increasing provider awareness and paying closer attention to these often neglected populations.